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The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate genetic Diagnosis - on April 16-17, 2024.
… - Break 4:10 PM – Session 5: Computational Tools to Enable Genetic Diagnoses Moderator: Chris Wellington, NHGRI 4:10 PM … much work remains to advance our understanding of the genetic cause of Mendelian conditions and to increase the … Drive … Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate Genetic Diagnosis … NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying …
Research Funding
The GREGoR (formerly the Mendelian Genomics Research Consortium) is aimed at significantly increasing the proportion of Mendelian disorders with an identified genetic cause through enhanced data sharing, collaboration and an increased focus on the application of new technologies, sequencing strategies and analytical approaches.
… website . … Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate Genetic Diagnosis April 16-17, 2024 GREGOR Pre-Application … the proportion of Mendelian disorders with an identified genetic cause through enhanced data sharing, collaboration … the proportion of Mendelian disorders with an identified genetic cause through enhanced data sharing, collaboration …
Annual scientific lecture honoring NHGRI's founding scientific director, Jeffrey M. Trent, Ph.D.
… and Genetics, part of NIH, delivered the lecture on the genetic susceptibility to cancer. … The seventh annual … Trent's research has provided important insights into the genetic basis of cancer. He is the author of more than 350 … patients.  Dr. Trent continues to lead studies of the genetic basis of various complex diseases in humans, as well …
NHGRI commemorates the life and legacy of genomics champion Representative Louise M. Slaughter (D-N.Y.), who passed away in March 2018, by naming an annual National DNA Day lecture at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in her honor.
… strong advocate for genomics research, and her work on the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) helped to create protections against genetic discrimination with health insurance and employment. … allow patients and research participants to undergo genetic and genomic testing without fear that their results …