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News Release
NIH researchers have successfully identified differences in gene activity in the brains of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study, led by scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), found that individuals diagnosed with ADHD had differences in genes that code for known chemicals that brain cells use to communicate.
… this is the first study to use postmortem human brain tissue to investigate ADHD. Other approaches to studying … specific genes are turned on or off, also known as gene expression . They studied two connected brain regions … studies are rare because of the limited donation of brain tissue but are incredibly valuable because they provide …
News Release
In a new large-scale genetic analysis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists have found set of small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes.
… the largest sequenced-based analysis of microRNA expression in human pancreatic islets to date,” said Francis … the stage for understanding how microRNAs fine-tune gene expression in pancreatic islets and its implications for … the largest sequenced-based analysis of microRNA expression in human pancreatic islets to date. The results of …
News Release
NHGRI researchers, collaborators at the University of California (UC) San Diego, UC Davis and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine lay out a new framework for comparing dog-to-human aging, one that uses epigenetics as a biological marker to better understand the aging process.
… to study such a progression involves epigenetics -- gene expression changes caused by factors other than the DNA …
News Release
National Institutes of Health researchers have discovered a specific network of proteins that is necessary to restore hearing in zebrafish through cell regeneration. The study may inform the development of treatments for hearing loss in humans.
After major advances in hematology, David Bodine retires with an eye towards mentorship and a garden
David Bodine, founder of the Hematopoiesis Section and chief of the Genetics and Molecular Biology Branch, advanced the fields of gene therapy and hematology in his 38 years at the NIH. Now, he plans to continue his contributions to science as an emeritus and through training the next generation of scientists.
… biologists have been able to do single-cell gene expression profiling on whole tissues. If we apply those …
News Release
Researchers explored patients', parents' and physicians' perspectives on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing to reverse sickle cell disease.
News Release
NHGRI researchers have discovered clues to the possible cause of recurring, non-contagious fevers and sores that affect only children. Several genes have been implicated with the syndrome, known as PFAPA syndrome (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis), which could lead to new treatments.
… genes involved in the immune system also showed increased expression in patients, such as STAT4 , IL10 , and CCR1-CCR …
On November 1-5, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition. The annual meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics.
… M Buckley eQTL analysis of canine testes identifies gene expression patterns associated with canine body size. PB1092 …
News Release
NHGRI researchers find that specific abnormal chromosomal patterns in prenatal blood tests warrant whole-body MRI cancer screening.
News Release
Genomicists and clinicians are beginning to offer patients genetic testing for a list of treatable diseases apart from the one that brought them into the clinic.