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- Multi-Omics for Health and Disease (Multi-Omics)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program4
- Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Systems (gLHS)1
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium1
- Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project1
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium1
News Release
In a new large-scale genetic analysis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists have found set of small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes.
… NIH study identifies new molecules involved in diabetes. … In a new large-scale genetic analysis, scientists … human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes. Researchers discovered the microRNAs in groups of …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have developed the Families Sharing Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation (SHARE) workbook, which helps people use their family history to assess their risk for heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
… family history to assess their risk for heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Since 2012, … health risks that are known to contribute to higher diabetes and heart disease rates. “One big issue is that many … Personalized family trees associated with heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Definitions of …
NHGRI researchers recently published a study using virtual reality simulations to investigate how clinicians might use a type of genomic risk information called polygenic risk scores in medical care.
… to recommend observing kidney function and screening for diabetes in response to the patient’s symptoms when they had … simulations to investigate how clinicians might use a type of genomic risk information called polygenic risk scores … But little is known about how clinicians will use this type of genomic risk information and whether an individual’s …
The Genomics and Health Disparities Lecture Series was formed to enhance opportunities for dialogue about how innovations in genomics research and technology can impact health disparities. Topics will range from basic science to translational research.
… Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the National …
On March 12-16, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the 2024 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting - an annual medical and scientific conference continues to provide groundbreaking research and the latest advances in medical genetics, genomics and personalized medicine.
News Release
In a study published in the journal Science, collaborators at NHGRI, the National University of Ireland, Galway, and the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience at the University of Florida, Augustine, reported that activation of the gene Tfap2 in adult stem cells in Hydractinia can turn those cells into germ cells in a cycle that can repeat endlessly.
News Release
Artificial intelligence tools help scientists decode genomic disorders and communicate genomic risks
NHGRI researchers are increasingly using artificial intelligence tools to answer compelling questions in genomics, such as predicting rare genetic disorders and their severity, and to understand how genomic information influences decision-making.
… to tackle these complex tasks. Machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence, has the unique ability to … methods have already been used to predict how a certain type of cancer will progress , find disease-causing genomic … for more common conditions like cancer, hypertension and diabetes. The results of this study support a decades-long …
News Release
Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., was awarded the Academy Medal for Distinguished Contributions in Biomedical Science by the New York Academy of Medicine. This honor, established in 1929, recognizes investigators with sustained and impactful accomplishments in biomedical research and an interest in translating these findings to advance human health.
… tools to understand metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension in different populations, with a … history, natural selection and health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. His group is exploring …
News Release
Genomic variants that increase risk of kidney disease are found in nearly one-third of West Africans
A study from researchers at National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators revealed a significant genetic risk factor for kidney disease in people of West African ancestry.
… early stages of the disease. Additionally, for people with diabetes or hypertension, there is a greater risk for … M.D., program director at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have generated the largest catalog of genetic variants associated with physical traits for domesticated dog breeds.
… Dog Show in Madison Square Garden, having competed against 2,800 dogs from 203 breeds. The sheer number of dog breeds … humans, such as various forms cancers, infections and even diabetes. In addition, a vast number of regions within the …