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On March 12-16, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the 2024 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting - an annual medical and scientific conference continues to provide groundbreaking research and the latest advances in medical genetics, genomics and personalized medicine.
… of Outcomes in Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Disorders P127  Where Epigenetics, Cancer and Hypoxia meet … GM1 Gangliosidosis: New Biomarker for Neurodegenerative Disorders P204  Primary Care Electronic Medical Record … Environment and Genes Study: Reduced Return in Disorders with Autosomal Recessive Inheritance Pattern P555  …
On February 9-10, 2021, NHGRI will host it's 13th Genomic Medicine Meeting - Genomic Medicine XIII: Developing a Clinical Genomic Informatics Research Agenda.
… improve the detection, treatment and reporting of genetic disorders in clinical settings. The objectives of this …
News Release
NIH will support research that incorporates DNA sequence information into electronic medical records.
… roles of variants in a number of medical conditions and disorders. In addition, their wide-ranging studies include … the underlying genetics of two common genetic disorders - familial hypercholesterolemia and familial … genomic variants are most likely to contribute to these disorders, and which should be discussed with patients, …
On October 25-29, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.
On November 1-5, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.  The annual meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics. 
News Release
NIH will award $38.5 million over five years to the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx) project, which aims to build a widely available resource of human developmental gene expression in a multitude of tissues for use in basic and clinical research.
… years. In addition, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and National Institute of Mental …
News Release
NIH will renew three awards totaling $73.2 million over five years to continue building the Clinical Genome (ClinGen) resource, an effort to collect and archive information about clinically relevant genes and genomic variants for use in precision medicine.
… of Mental Health, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and the NCI. These new panels will use …
News Release
NIH programs are establishing which genes and genomic variants play a role in human disease, enabling use in medicine and research.
… expertise in diseases such as cancer, neurodevelopmental disorders and cardiovascular disease, are implementing this …