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As a way to engage with members of the public who want to know more about particular genomics topics, NHGRI director Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D. answers questions on Twitter using the hashtag #AskDrGenome and invites a special guest from NHGRI to join him.
… weeks, Dr. Eric Green answers questions on Twitter about genomics using the hashtag #AskDrGenome . Each time, he dives into different genomics topics and invites a special guest from NHGRI to join him. Past guests have … Vence Bonham, Adam Phillippy and Arang Rhie. This is a way to engage with members of the public who want to know …
A candid and kind genomics pioneer leaves a deep impact on NHGRI and the genomics community.
… Debbie Nickerson (1954-2021) was a long-time grantee and advisor of the National Human Genome … while recognizing the critical role that diversity plays in ensuring that genomics is revolutionary and clinically relevant for all. She was also one of few women leaders in genomics at …