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As a way to engage with members of the public who want to know more about particular genomics topics, NHGRI director Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D. answers questions on Twitter using the hashtag #AskDrGenome and invites a special guest from NHGRI to join him.
… weeks, Dr. Eric Green answers questions on Twitter about genomics using the hashtag #AskDrGenome . Each time, he dives into different genomics topics and invites a special guest from NHGRI to … of the public who want to know more about a particular genomics topic. Anyone can tweet a question to Dr. Green and …
Research Funding
The GREGoR (formerly the Mendelian Genomics Research Consortium) is aimed at significantly increasing the proportion of Mendelian disorders with an identified genetic cause through enhanced data sharing, collaboration and an increased focus on the application of new technologies, sequencing strategies and analytical approaches.
… Investigator Institution Title Grant Number Mendelian Genomics Coordinating Center Susanne May University of Washington University of Washington (UW) Mendelian Genomics Data Coordinating Center U24HG011746 Mendelian … The centers will also aim to solve “unsolved” cases for which a candidate gene was not identified by solely using …
NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate genetic Diagnosis - on April 16-17, 2024.
… whole-genome sequencing (WGS) are commonly used methods for determining causal variants underlying Mendelian disease. … of Mendelian conditions and to increase the solve rate for rare disease. The National Human Genome Research … understand the major challenges, gaps and opportunities for developing solutions to this complex issue. Executive …