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On June 17-18, 2021, NHGRI hosts a workshop, Multi-Omics in Health and Disease: Current Applications, Challenges and Future Directions.
… Multi-omics Michael Snyder, Stanford University Session 2: Technology, Data Integration and Study Design Moderator: Dave … 3:05 p.m. Presentation 1 - Experimental and Computational Technology / Big Data Xihong Lin, Harvard University 3:05 - … Institute 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. Break Guided Discussion - Technology, Data Integration and Study Design Moderator: Ajay …
For Teachers
The Your Genome & You infographic introduces the basics of genetics and genomics, and how the science impacts our lives.
… Provides tools, resources, and curriculum about genomics, technology, and the impact of genomics.   Other Resources …
An infographic that explains why it was so difficult to fully complete the human genome sequence.
… the words (clockwise, from left to right): Complexity, Technology, Cost and Patience. Specific messages accompany … "Be strong, little computer!" A gentleman attempts to join Technology puzzle piece with the Complexity puzzle piece(to …
Among the 24 chromosomes that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive structure. Scientists are studying the Y and its unusual features to better understand human health and disease.
… passed down from male parent to male offspring, so the information on the Y chromosome can more speci cally …