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Fact Sheets
El ADN, son las instrucciones que se pasan de los organismos adultos a sus descendientes durante la reproducción.
… del ADN se aclaró en 1953 gracias a la labor de James Watson*, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins y Rosalind … pasar información biológica de una generación a otra. * James Watson fue el primer director del NHGRI y aparece aquí …
Professional Development Programs
JHU/NIH GCTP Executive Committee is composed of genetic counselors, social scientists and medical geneticists. Their varied backgrounds are an asset to the Program and to students as they develop their thesis.
… of Cancer Genomics National Cancer Institute, NIH Cynthia James, Sc.M, Ph.D., CGC Associate Professor of Medicine …
Fact Sheets
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
… of DNA became clear in 1953 thanks to the work of James Watson*, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind … biological information from one generation to the next. * James Watson was the first NHGRI Director and appears here as …
15 examples of how genomics has and continues to transform our world in myriad ways.
… Robert Middleton, Pat Miller, Steve Murphy, Ed Napia, James O'Leary, Aniwaa Owusu-Obeng, Daphne Rickard, Kate Reed, …
Research Training
NHGRI funds training and career development programs at academic, medical and other institutions throughout the U.S.
… Graduate and Undergraduate Researchers of UCEER (GURU) James Tabery Madison Kilbride Becky Anderson Shakila Nawaz … Research: Increasing Retention in STEM Robi D. Mitra James B. Skeath Lauren Johnson Genome Science About NHGRI's …
Professional Development Programs
The JHU/NHGRI Genetic Counseling Training Program trains students to conduct research and provides clinical rotations to learn about genetic conditions.
… Inherited Heart Disease Clinic Emily Brown, M.S. Cynthia James, Ph.D., Sc.M. Becky McClellan, M.S. Brittney Murray, …