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About Genomics
An interactive timeline listing key moments from the history of the project.
… achievements, Dr. Watson’s career was also punctuated by a number of offensive and scientifically erroneous comments … us the ability to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for a human. This interactive timeline lists key moments from … hold the " Genome Sequencing Workshop " in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to assess the feasibility of pursuing a Human …
Policy Issues
The GINA is an important U.S. civil rights law that protects individuals from discrimination based on their genetic information.
… first introduced into the U.S. Congress in the 1990s at a time when genetic testing and genetics research was taking … Louise Slaughter , a Congresswoman and scientist from New York, introduces a bill called H.R. 2748 , "Genetic … prohibit the use of genetic information to set premiums for health insurance. Finally, the bill would ban health …
A timeline highlighting key moments in the development of eugenics, with a focus on the American eugenics movement.
… Gregor Mendel to support the idea of “racial improvement.” In their quest for a perfect society, eugenicists labelled many people as …
On June 17-18, 2021, NHGRI hosts a workshop, Multi-Omics in Health and Disease: Current Applications, Challenges and Future Directions.
… Multi-omics Marie-Luise Brennan, NHGRI 1:35 - 1:45 p.m. Q&A Session 1: Setting the Stage - Application of multi-omics … 2 - Study Design and Sample Collection Tuuli Lappalainen, New York Genome Center 3:25 - 3:45 p.m. Presentation 3 - Data … and Prevention Nathan Price, Onegevity and Institute for Systems Biology 1:25 - 1:40 p.m. Presentation 2: …