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News Release
NIH researchers discover that while artificial intelligence (AI) tools can make accurate diagnoses from textbook-like descriptions of genetic diseases, the tools are significantly less accurate when analyzing summaries written by patients about their own health.
… make accurate diagnoses from textbook-like descriptions of genetic diseases, the tools are significantly less accurate … the researchers designed questions about 63 different genetic conditions. These included some well-known … cystic fibrosis and Marfan syndrome, as well as many rare genetic conditions. These conditions can show up in a variety …
News Release
The NHGRI-ASHG Genetics and Public Policy Fellowship prepares scientists for careers in science policy.
… (D-NY) office. The portfolios that I'll be working on are genetic policy in a post-GINA world. [GINA stands for Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. It was passed in 2008 and prohibits genetic discrimination in employment.] But there are some …
News Release
NIH-backed African scientists are engaged in a global research endeavor to understand the genetic basis of disease in all populations.
… engaged in a global research endeavor to understand the genetic basis of disease in all populations. But this can … focused on European ancestry populations. By not exploring genetic variation within African populations, opportunities … supports African scientists conducting research on the genetic and environmental factors of disease. Five years …
Dr. Joan Bailey-Wilson, who retired in September 2022, looks back on her 42-year career as a scientist and reflects on the rapid growth of the genomics field.
… Hopkins and institutions that took care of people with genetic conditions. I thought to myself, “This is what I want … allow us to include environmental risk factors in our genetic analyses. Since then, we've identified several … to these diseases. She and her team harnessed the power of statistics and computational techniques to show that genetics …
News Release
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health and their colleagues have identified genomic variants that cause a rare and severe inflammatory skin disorder, known as disabling pansclerotic morphea, and have found a potential treatment.
… Genome sequencing reveals genetic basis for disabling pansclerotic morphea, a severe … to reduced mobility. Because the disorder is so rare, its genetic cause had not been identified until now. “Researchers … NHGRI and NIH … NIH scientists find treatment for rare genetic skin disorder … Researchers at the National …
News Release
The Genetics and Public Policy and Genetics and Education Fellowships provide a pathway for scientists to pursue careers in science policy or education.
News Release
National Institutes of Health researchers have published an assessment of 13 studies that took a genotype-first approach to patient care.
… study shows genotype-first approach uncovers new links to genetic conditions. … National Institutes of Health … to clinical attention,” says Caralynn Wilczewski, Ph.D., a genetic counselor at the National Human Genome Research … Core and first author of the paper. Typically, to treat genetic conditions, researchers first identify patients who …
News Release
Doctors and researchers reunite with patient who received gene therapy for GM1 gangliosidosis.
… to 200,000 babies are born with GM1 gangliosidosis, a genetic disorder caused by alterations in the DNA of a single … skills, cognition and communication.   Because most rare genetic disorders are due to a single faulty gene, gene … Dr. Tifft hopes to use gene therapy to treat other rare genetic disorders, such as Tay-Sachs disease — a fatal …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have generated the largest catalog of genetic variants associated with physical traits for domesticated dog breeds.
… Institute (NHGRI) have generated the largest catalog of genetic variants associated with physical traits for … dogs arises from a few "founder" dogs, therefore reducing genetic variation within each breed. This fact may make it … genome … Researchers have generated the largest catalog of genetic variants associated with physical traits for …
News Release
NIH researchers and collaborators have found that that sickle cell trait is prevalent among diverse human populations.
… and blood clots have only included individuals of African genetic ancestry and self-identified Black participants because of the incorrect assumption that the genetic carrier state only affects those who identify as … analyses, participants were grouped based on their genetic similarities into genetic ancestry groups. The study …