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The National Human Genome Research Institute will hold the 98th Meeting of National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research from February 13, 2023.
Talking Glossary
Un vector, en lo que se relaciona a la biología molecular, es una molécula de ADN (con frecuencia un plásmido o virus) que se utiliza como vehículo para transportar un segmento particular de ADN al interior de la célula huésped como parte de una técnica de clonación o ADN recombinante.
Educational Resources
A vector is any vehicle, often a virus or a plasmid that is used to ferry a desired DNA sequence into a host cell as part of a molecular cloning procedure.
The Genomics Landscape
In the December 8, 2022 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., looks back on the success of the Genome: Unlocking Life's Code exhibition as it came to a close in November.
Jobs at NHGRI
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Daphne W. Bell, within the Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute, at NIH.
Jobs at NHGRI
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Daphne W. Bell, within the Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute, at NIH.
The Genomics Landscape
In 2022, The Genomics Landscape spotlighted genomic data sharing each month in a series of entries. This page contains a collection of each of those entries.
Media Advisory
On December 7, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute will host a webinar to discuss the key findings from a recently released Human Genetics & Genomics Workforce Survey Report.
Educational Resources
A vacuole is a membrane-bound cell organelle.