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Educational Resources
Metagenomics is the study of the structure and function of entire nucleotide sequences isolated and analyzed from all the organisms (typically microbes) in a bulk sample.
Fact Sheet
Genomic data science is a field of study that enables researchers to use powerful computational and statistical methods to decode the functional information hidden in DNA sequences.
… ethical responsibilities, as information about a person's genome sequence is associated with complex issues related to … about how they will use and share the resulting genome-sequence data in the process of gaining such informed … must be educated about the implications of their studies and work closely with ethics researchers. … How do …
Talking Glossary
Cell-free DNA testing is a laboratory method that involves analyzing free (i.e., non-cellular) DNA contained within a biological sample, most often to look for genomic variants associated with a hereditary or genetic disorder.
News Release
NHGRI has appointed Chris Gunter, Ph.D., as a senior advisor for genomics engagement. In this role, Dr. Gunter will advise the NHGRI director and the institute on issues and challenges associated with engaging the public about genomics and genomic medicine.
… Prabarna Ganguly, Ph.D. … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has appointed Chris Gunter, … She will be a valued advisor to me across a wide range of areas of ongoing and potential future institute …
The Genomics Landscape
In May 4, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., details a report released by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, that provided a series of recommendations for using population descriptors in future genetics and genomics studies.
… the 20th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project, and the 20th anniversary of National DNA Day. … will focus on advances in single-cell analysis and genome-wide regulatory mechanisms. Each session will be followed by … the rapid increase in the number of published genome-wide association studies (GWAS). These studies provide an …
Educational Resources
Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies heritable changes caused by the activation and deactivation of genes without any change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism.
… … Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies heritable changes caused by the activation and … to the next. The collection of all epigenetic changes in a genome is called an epigenome. … Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies heritable changes caused by the activation and …
Among the 24 chromosomes that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive structure. Scientists are studying the Y and its unusual features to better understand human health and disease.
… Among the 24 chromosomes that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive … of sexual development, but other genes throughout the genome play a role. This complex process gives rise to the … … Among the 24 chromosomes that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive …
NHGRI and the University at Buffalo Center for Disability Studies will hold a two-day symposium on October 6-7, 2022 to address historical constructions of disability and ableism, with a focus on the “irreducibility” of individuals with disability and the history of disability.
… Buffalo … Biographies … Slides (PDF) … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and The State University of New York at Buffalo Center for Disability Studies will hold a two-day symposium entitled, “Irreducible … NHGRI and the University at Buffalo Center for Disability Studies will hold a two-day symposium on October 6-7, 2022 to …
For Teachers
Lesson plan based on an award-winning DNA from the Beginning website, an animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity.
The Genomics Landscape
In the September 3, 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, Dr. Eric Green talks about the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium, the 2020 Genomic Innovator Awards and more.
… up to the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project in October 2020. Check out the latest oral … Genome to Phenotype: Genomic Variation Identification, Association, and Function in Human Health and Disease ." In … understand the interplay of the two. By developing genome-wide approaches and resources, the IGVF Consortium aims to …