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About Genomics
In 2003, an accurate and complete human genome sequence was finished two years ahead of schedule and at a cost less than the original estimated budget.
… Project covers about 99 percent of the human genome's gene-containing regions, and it has been sequenced to an … 30,000 STSs 52,000 STSs October 1998 DNA Sequence 95% of gene-containing part of human sequence finished to 99.99% … Human Genome Sequencing, Long-range Planning, Gene Expression, Sequence Variations, Phenotypes, Large-scale …
Educational Resources
X-linked, as related to genetics, refers to characteristics or traits that are influenced by genes on the X chromosome.
Fact Sheets
A DNA microarray is a tool used to determine whether the DNA from a particular individual contains a mutation in genes.
… know that a mutation - or alteration - in a particular gene's DNA may contribute to a certain disease. However, it … DNA sequences, which together add up to the normal gene in question, and to variants (mutations) of that gene that have been found in the human population.   … When …
Talking Glossary
Dominant, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait.
… an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait. … Dominant, as related to … an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait. Individuals inherit two versions of each gene, known as alleles, from each parent. In the case of a …
Fact Sheets
A knockout mouse is a laboratory mouse in which researchers have inactivated an existing gene by replacing it or disrupting it with an artificial piece of DNA.
… have inactivated, or "knocked out," an existing gene by replacing it or disrupting it with an artificial piece of DNA. … Knocking out the activity of a gene provides valuable clues about what that gene normally does. Humans share many genes with mice. …
For Teachers
Lesson plan based on an award-winning DNA from the Beginning website, an animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity.
… once, there could be 24 different combinations? #16. One gene makes one protein What did Archibald Garrod propose as … order of the synthesis pathway is MutC, MutA, MutE? #17. A gene is made of DNA. How did Oswald Avery show that the … transforming principal was DNA? Why did Avery identify a gene as the genetic molecule that transfers hereditary …
Talking Glossary
Genetics is the branch of biology concerned with the study of inheritance, including the interplay of genes, DNA variation and their interactions with environmental factors.
Educational Resources
A germ line is the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that are used by sexually reproducing organisms to pass on genes from generation to generation.
Talking Glossary
Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in different combinations, leading to different, but related, mRNA transcripts.
… is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in different combinations, leading to … is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in different combinations, leading to … with distinct structures and functions — all from a single gene. … Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which …
About Genomics
The Human Genome Project was an inward voyage of discovery led by an international team of researchers looking to sequence and map all the genes of our species.