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- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Multi-Omics for Health and Disease (Multi-Omics)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program7
- Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Systems (gLHS)2
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits1
- Genome Technology Program5
- Enhancing Opportunities in Computational Genomics and Data Science1
- Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP)3
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium3
- Advancing Genomic Medicine Research (AGMR)1
- Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project1
- Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC)1
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Genomic Innovator Awards2
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)2
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium2
The National Human Genome Research Institute will hold the 99th Meeting of National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research on May 15, 2023.
Genomics Teaching Tool
An activity that demonstrates how DNA can be isolated from a strawberry using common household items.
News Release
NIH researchers have identified a gene that makes yeast resistant to a lethal toxin.
On April 25, 2023, NHGRI hosted a symposium to commemorate two special milestones: the 20th anniversary of the Human Genome Project’s completion and the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix.
News Release
NIH researchers have developed and released an innovative software tool, called Verso, to assemble truly complete (i.e., gapless) genome sequences from a variety of species. The software makes the process of assembling complete genome sequences more affordable and accessible.
In a conversation, Dr. Elise Feingold reflects on her path to NHGRI, describes her experience leading the ENCODE program and shares advice for those considering different scientific careers.
News Release
Researchers from NHGRI and the Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) have discovered a new neurological condition characterized by issues with motor coordination and speech.
News Release
In a new large-scale genetic analysis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists have found set of small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes.
The Genomics Landscape
In the February 2, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., talks about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy and how it emphasizes the importance of good data management practices.
Reflecting on his NIH career, Dr. Smith recounts his journey from researcher to program director in a conversation with NHGRI science writer Sonja Soo, Ph.D. He looks ahead to a retirement filled with traveling, spending time with friends and family, playing pickleball and brewing ale.