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Dr. Carsten Bonnemann is an adjunct investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
To prevent an emerging genomic technology from contributing to health disparities, a scientific team funded by the National Institutes of Health has devised new ways to improve a genetic testing method called a polygenic risk score.
The Data Use Oversight System (DUOS) is a semi-automated study registration and DAR management service informed by the GA4GH DUO standard, which enables the secondary use of human genomics and other controlled-access data in compliance with the informed consent of a study’s participants.
Dr. Sagar is a staff clinician in the Neurobehavioral Clinical Research Section in Dr. Philip Shaw’s lab at the National Human Genome Research Institute.
Dr. Lanata is a staff clinician in NHGRI's Genomics of Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Section.
News Release
NHGRI has selected Adam Phillippy, Ph.D. as the founding director of the new Center for Genomics and Data Science Research within the Institute’s Intramural Research Program.
On October 25-29, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.
Media Advisory
NHGRI will host a two-day symposium addressing historical and present-day constructions of disability and ableism, with a focus on the history and lived experiences of people with disabilities in the context of genomics and genetics.
The Genomics Landscape
In the October 6, 2022 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., celebrates the 25th anniversary of the NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC). a well-respected and highly used large-scale DNA sequencing center that exemplifies the evolution of the field of genomics and the ever-increasing abilities to produce prodigious amounts of genomic data.
News Release
NIH is launching a program, Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC), to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene.