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News Release
Researchers have discovered that FGF21 is elevated in mice with liver disease that mimics the same condition in patients with methylmalonic acidemia.
… and senior investigator in the NHGRI Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch. "We can use this information today … Children with MMA suffer from frequent life-threatening metabolic crises when they encounter a minor viral illness or … team created a new mouse model and used it to discover key pathways that were affected during a fasting challenge to …
Clinical Research
NHGRI researchers work with patients and families to explore how genes cause or influence diseases, and develop more effective diagnostics and treatments.
News Release
Three research teams funded by NIH gather data at the most basic molecular levels about the biological processes that make up the human microbiome.
… In fact, researchers found that certain bacterial metabolic pathways were always present in healthy people, and that many … using the full panoply of existing genomic, proteomic, metabolic, transcriptomic and other molecular tests - …
News Release
The zebrafish is a powerhouse tool that helps researchers better understand the genes that are implicated in disease.
… five senses. Blindness can be a symptom of a vitamin B12 metabolic disorder, explained Charles Venditti, M.D., Ph.D., … NHGRI's Zebrafish Core is a resource to identify genes or pathways that are similar across species, from zebrafish to …
Research at NHGRI
The Division of Intramural Research conducts scientific studies in NHGRI's labs on and around the NIH campus in Bethesda, Md.
… efforts to unearth clues about the complex genetic pathways involved in human diseases. These efforts have used … hereditary deafness, various neurological, developmental, metabolic, and immunological disorders, and others. These …
The Genomics Landscape
In the January 5, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., talks about how artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming omnipresent throughout NHGRI and in genomics.
… the best,     … Rare and common genetic determinants of metabolic individuality and their effects on human health … innate and foreign substances. In some cases, these metabolic changes can impact physical traits such as risk of …
News Release
NIH researchers analyzed the gene activities of immune cells in children with mitochondrial disorders and found that their B cells, which produce antibodies to fight viral infections, are less able to survive cellular stress.
… genes are turned on and off. mir4485 controls cellular pathways that help cells survive. For children with …
Dr. Ayo Doumatey is a Research Fellow and Laboratory Manager at NHGRI's Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… She has conducted research on genetic epidemiology of metabolic disorders especially obesity and obesity-related … strategies to study the complex molecular basis of metabolic disorders including adipokine profiling, whole … at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function. Nat Commun. 2016 Jan …
Research at NHGRI
CRGGH facilitates understanding of the relationship between genetic variation and population differences in disease distribution to inform health disparities.
… CRGGH uses genomic tools to understand the pathobiology of metabolic disorders, including obesity, hypertension, … for the conduct of primary research into the etiology of metabolic disorders and to provide scientists access to these …
Research Funding
NHGRI is initiating a new program-the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium to develop a framework for systematically understanding the effects of genomic variation on genome function and how these effects shape phenotypes.
… Predicting the impact of genetic variants, genes and pathways on human disease HG012009 Predrag Radivojac … and cell types, (2) identify causal mediator genes and pathways underlying disease variation, and (3) decode … consortium group to identify causal variants, genes, and pathways associated with cardiometabolic disease. Matthias …