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Educational Resources
A repressor is a protein that turns off the expression of one or more genes.
… Repressor … A repressor is a protein that turns off the expression of one or more genes. … … Gene Expression, Gene Regulation, Messenger RNA (mRNA), Protein, Transcription … A repressor, as related to genomics, is a protein that inhibits the expression of one or more genes. …
Talking Glossary
The central dogma of molecular biology is a theory that states that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA to RNA to protein.
… flows only in one direction, from DNA to RNA to protein. … Central dogma. The central dogma of molecular … flows only in one direction, from DNA, to RNA, to protein, or RNA directly to protein. … The central dogma of molecular biology is a theory …
Educational Resources
A peptide is one or more amino acids linked by chemical bonds.
… amino acids linked by chemical bonds. … Cell, Amino Acids, Protein … A peptide is a short chain of amino acids …
Educational Resources
The nucleopore is one of a series of small holes found in the nuclear membrane.
… membrane. … Nuclear Membrane, Nucleic Acid, Cell, Nucleus, Protein … A nucleopore is one of a series of openings found …
Educational Resources
Antisense is the non-coding DNA strand of a gene.
… DNA strand of a gene. … Non-coding DNA, Messenger RNA, Protein Synthesis … Antisense is the non-coding DNA strand of … messenger RNA (mRNA), which directs the synthesis of a protein. … Antisense is the non-coding DNA strand of a gene. …
Educational Resources
The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, is found in all cells and separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
About Genomics
In 2003, an accurate and complete human genome sequence was finished two years ahead of schedule and at a cost less than the original estimated budget.
… knockouts (yeast) Scale-up of two-hybrid system for protein-protein interaction 1994 1996 1999 2002   … cDNA:  cDNA … mRNA, the molecule in the cell that takes information from protein-coding DNA - the genes - to the protein-making …
Educational Resources
Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease seen most often among people of African ancestry.
… … Autosome, Birth Defect, Gene, Inherited, Mutation, Protein, Recessive … Sickle cell disease is a hereditary … mutations in one of the genes that encode the hemoglobin protein, the disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive …
Educational Resources
A nucleosome is the basic repeating unit of eukaryotic chromatin.
… Chromosome, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), Histone, Protein … A nucleosome is the basic repeating subunit of …
Talking Glossary
Methylation is a chemical modification of DNA and other molecules that may be retained as cells divide to make more cells. regulating the production of proteins that the gene encodes.