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Educational Resources
A complex disease is caused by the interaction of multiple genes and environmental factors.
Complex Disease … A complex disease is caused by the interaction of multiple … Cancer, Heart Disease, Gene-environment Interactions … A complex disease (or condition), when discussed in the context … of the physical and social environment. For this reason, complex diseases are also called multifactorial diseases. …
Lindsey Criswell, who became the director of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases in February, 2021 is also an associate investigator in NHGRI's Metabolic, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch.
… systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren’s syndrome, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), biological pathways, genetic ancestry, …
On November 16-17, 2023, the National Human Genome Institute will co-sponsor a workshop, Advances in the Genetic Architecture of Complex Human Traits, to take a historically grounded and forward-looking approach towards dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in humans.
… organization?   It is generally believed that less complex traits or “intermediate phenotypes” have simpler … Yet, even low-level molecular traits may have surprisingly complex architectures. Do we have the necessary theoretical … of the Brain Naomi Wray, Oxford University 2:00 p.m.   Major Genes in Complex Traits Neil Risch, University of …
Jim Mullikin pioneered DNA sequencing technologies during the Human Genome Project and other major advances in genomics.
… technologies during the Human Genome Project and other major advances in genomics. … Anna Rogers: What … M.D., Ph.D. At NHGRI, Dr. Mullikin contributed to other major collaborative efforts in genomics, such as the … condensed for clarity. … Jim Mullikin retires after making major contributions to genome sequencing … Jim Mullikin …
Jobs at NHGRI
An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the Childhood Complex Disease Genomics Section (CCDGS), a new section in the Center for Precision Health Research at NHGRI, under Dr. Neil Hanchard.
… postdoctoral position is available in the Childhood Complex Disease Genomics Section (CCDGS),  a new section in … epidemiology and statistics, population genetics, or complex trait analyses are especially encouraged to apply. … to Apply … Postdoctoral Position Studying the Genomics of Complex Childhood Disorders … An NIH-funded postdoctoral …
Dr. Neil Hanchard is a clinical investigator within the Center for Precision Health Research (CPHR) and head of the Childhood Complex Disease Genomics Section within the CPHR.
… – so called transfusion ‘super-responders’; this creates a major challenge to find compatible blood for future … genome variation, and natural selection in the Major Histocompatibility Complex. After returning to Jamaica to study sickle cell …
News Release
Scientists set their sights on chromatin - the DNA-protein complex that packages DNA into chromosomes in the cell - to better understand how the genome works.
… have set their sights on chromatin - the DNA-protein complex that packages DNA into chromosomes in the cell - to … Bernstein said, that differences in chromatin may play a major role in the development of cancer drug resistance. … … Scientists set their sights on chromatin - the DNA-protein complex that packages DNA into chromosomes in the cell - to …
Research Funding
Building upon a foundation of quantitative genetics laid over a century ago, applying modern genomic approaches to resolve how genetic and non-genetic factors shape variation in human diseases and traits.
… A major goal of human genetics is to decompose the sources of … application of genetic findings, especially for the most complex human traits. Fortunately, the growing availability … … To support research into the genetic architecture of complex human traits through investigator-initiated projects, …
On May 1–2, 2018, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) sponsored this NHGRI workshop in Silver Spring, Maryland.
… the NHGRI workshop, Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On , in Silver Spring, Maryland, … 8777 Georgia Ave … Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On … NHGRI sponsored the workshop, Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On, in Silver Spring, Maryland. … …
An interview with Meru Sadhu, an Earl Stadtman Investigator and head of the systems biology and genome engineering section within the NHGRI Intramural Research Program, where he talks about his research and why yeast have a special place in his heart.
… are the genetics’ underlying traits? What makes them so complex? My laboratory is committed to teasing apart some of … also able to identify a single gene that seems to be a major contributor to toxin resistance. … Ganguly: Given that … the complexities of biology.  “That you can get such complex systems starting with the simple rules of genetic …