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News Release
This publication and the release of the accompanying data address knowledge gaps across genomics and are certain to have a continuing impact in the field.
… Amy Bentley … As the birthplace of modern humans, Africa is home …
News Release
Cell Press' "Best of AJHG 2017-2018" includes an article authored by CRGGH researchers Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi.
… Amy Bentley … Cell Press has assembled a reprint collection of …
News Release
Quartz Africa has selected Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., for its list of innovators, which comprise "the most ambitious and imaginative minds on the continent."
… Amy Bentley … Quartz Africa has selected Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., …
News Release
The National Academy of Medicine elected Dr. Charles Rotimi, CRGGH Director, as one of its new members.
… Amy Bentley … On October 15, 2018, the National Academy of …
News Release
NIH Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health is participating in the H3Africa Consortium's effort to develop an African-specific genotyping array.
… Amy Bentley … Researchers have made a good start in identifying …
News Release
African scientists and collaborators gathered in Pointe aux Piments in Mauritius for the 9th Human Health and Heredity in Africa Consortium Meeting.
… Amy Bentley … In October, African scientists and collaborators …
News Release
Illumina will be developing a GWAS array based on data from the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Initiative.
… Amy Bentley … In a major advance for those engaged in genomic …
News Release
Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., has been presented with the 2018 HudsonAlpha Life Sciences Prize from the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
… Amy Bentley … In recognition of his "unique and significant …
CRGGH is now part of the newly-created Metabolic, Cardiovascular, and Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch.
… Amy Bentley … Over the past year, the Intramural Research Program …
News Release
Researchers used whole genome sequence data to investigate the origin of the mutation that causes "sickling" of red blood cells.
… Amy Bentley … Daniel Shriner and Charles Rotimi, researchers at …