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Educational Resources
The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance.
Gene … The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance. … … DNA, DNA Sequence … The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance. Genes are passed from parents to offspring …
Educational Resources
A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular disease or other phenotype.
… Candidate Gene … A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with … trait, such as a disease or a physical attribute. Because of its genomic location or its known function, the gene is …
Educational Resources
Gene mapping is the process of establishing the locations of genes on the chromosomes.
Gene Mapping … Gene mapping is the process of establishing the locations of genes on the chromosomes. … Chromosomes, Linkage Analysis, …
The Genomics Landscape
In the August 6, 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, Dr. Eric Green talks about NHGRI's completion of the third phase of the ENCODE Project and how it reveals the most extensive catalog to date of candidate functional elements that may regulate the genes in the human and mouse genomes.
… Each news cycle brings reminders about the importance of science and its critical role in society, and NHGRI … more committed than ever to facilitating the use of genomics for addressing all threats to human health – … elements, which act as “switches” to regulate gene transcription. The ENCODE findings point to millions of
Clinical Research
GENE-FORECAST® is developing a community cohort and resource for defining the significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans.
… The Genomics, Environmental Factors and the Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease in Africans Americans Study (GENE-FORECAST®) study is developing a community-based cohort …
Educational Resources
Gene environment interaction is an influence on the expression of a trait that results from the interplay between genes and the environment.
Gene Environment Interaction … Gene environment interaction is an influence on the expression of a trait that results from the interplay between genes and … DNA … Gene–environment interaction refers to the interplay of genes (and, more broadly, genome function) and the …
Educational Resources
A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a population or a species.
Gene Pool … A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a … Diversity, Genes, Extinction, Population Genetics … A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes (including alleles) present in a reproducing …
News Release
NHGRI researchers identified 59 genes or gene regions linked to canine athletics.
… Jeannine Mjoseth … In the world of canine genomics, sport hunting dogs are super athletes and … reached this conclusion after identifying 59 genes or gene regions linked to canine athletics, including those with …
Educational Resources
Gene amplification is an increase in the number of copies of a gene sequence.
Gene Amplification … Gene amplification is an increase in the number of copies of a gene sequence. … DNA Sequence, Cancer, PCR, Polymerase …
News Release
A new method of targeting specific DNA sequences in zebrafish could accelerate the discovery of gene function and the identification of disease genes in humans.
… Steven Benowitz … A relatively new method of targeting specific DNA sequences in zebrafish could dramatically accelerate the discovery of gene function and the identification of disease genes in … investigator with NHGRI's Translational and Functional Genomics Branch and head of the Developmental Genomics