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11 - 20 of 1911
Guidance on collecting your family health history information before visiting the doctor.
… Find out how learning your family's health history can help you discover your genomic heritage and risks, and guide you in making healthy environment and … H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched a national public health
Final outcomes from the most comprehensive analysis to-date of humans and their microbiomes definitively link microbes and microbial activities with health problems.
… from the most comprehensive analysis to-date of humans and their microbiomes definitively link microbes and microbial activities with health problems. … There is a mighty but invisible kingdom of … live in all parts of your body and make up the diverse human microbiome. These microbiomes support and maintain your …
News Release
This publication and the release of the accompanying data address knowledge gaps across genomics and are certain to have a continuing impact in the field.
… humans, Africa is home to the greatest genomic variation in the world. An important limitation to the field of … limited degree to which this variation has been sampled and evaluated. … A ground-breaking report published in Nature addresses this lack with a study of 426 African individuals, representing 50 ethnolinguistic groups. …
News Release
An international team of researchers including NIH has completed the first comprehensive characterization of genomic diversity across sub-Saharan Africa.
… that includes researchers from the National Institutes of Health has completed the first comprehensive characterization … conditions in people of sub-Saharan African ancestry, and indicates that the migration from Africa in the early days of the human race was followed by a migration back into the …
News Release
The largest genomic study on type 2 diabetes in Africans to date has recently been published in Nature Communications and reports the most recent findings of the ongoing Africa America Diabetes Mellitus (AADM) study that has been led by Dr. Charles Rotimi for over two decades.
… Amy Bentley … The largest genomic study on type 2 diabetes in Africans to date has recently been published in Nature Communications and reports the most recent findings of the ongoing Africa … of the Genomics of Type 2 Diabetes in Africans Identifies African-specific Risk Locus … The largest genomic study on …
Information about genomics competencies, patient care, and related partnership and outreach activities at NHGRI.
… Genomic knowledge is growing and ever-changing, and it’s crucial for health professionals to have a firm understanding of genomics … and partnership and outreach activities at the National Human Genome Research Institute. … Information about genomics …
For Patients and Families
FAQs about genetic disorders, the impact of genomics on your health, and the emerging science of pharmacogenomics.
… Experts at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) have assembled … about genetic disorders, the impact of genomics on your health, and the emerging science of pharmacogenomics. … Health FAQs … …
Talking Glossary
La hibridación in situ es una técnica de laboratorio empleada para localizar una secuencia de ADN o ARN en una muestra biológica.
… Hibridación in situ … La hibridación in situ es una técnica de … chromosomes from an individual is affixed to a glass slide and then exposed to a “probe”—a small piece of … a chemical or fluorescent dye. The labeled probe finds and then binds to its matching sequence within the biological …
News Release
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has announced plans to establish a new precision health research program within its Division of Intramural Research.
… capitalize on growing availability of large-scale genomic and health record data worldwide to advance the science of precision health. … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has announced plans …
Clinical Research
GENE-FORECAST® is developing a community cohort and resource for defining the significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans.
… The Genomics, Environmental Factors and the Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease in … (AA). To examine the associations between health behaviors and social-environmental factors or CVD risk … of the potential effect of the DNA variant of interest on human systems biology. In some cases family members of the …