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… •Joy Boyer•Heather Colley•Tina Gatlin•Alex Raphael•Robb Rowley•ShurjoSenThank you5Questions and Comments Concept … •Joy Boyer•Heather Colley•Tina Gatlin•Alex Raphael•Robb Rowley•ShurjoSenThank you10Questions and Comments … Luis …
… Robb Rowley - RFA Concept Clearance gLHS (May 2023 Council) …
… Outcomes of eMERGE Genomic Risk Assessment and Reporting - Robb Rowley …
… •Joy Boyer•Heather Colley•Tina Gatlin•Alex Raphael•Robb Rowley•ShurjoSenThank you5Questions and Comments … Research …
… •Joy Boyer•Heather Colley•Tina Gatlin•Alex Raphael•Robb Rowley•ShurjoSenThank you6Questions and Comments … Concept …
Sheethal Jose is a program director in NHGRI's Division of Genomics and Society.
… CA, Elskeally O, Kullo IJ, Lee C, Jose S , Manolio TA, Rowley R, Padi-Adjirackor NA, Wilmayani NK, City B, Wei WQ, …
Dr. ​Eric D. Green is the Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.
… E, Berghuis B, Turner L, Hudson E, Feenstra K, Sobin L, Robb J, Branton P, Korzeniewski G, Shive C, Tabor D, Qi L, … – Reply. JAMA , 321:1218, 2019. [ PubMed ]  Manolio TA, Rowley R, Williams MS, Roden D, Ginsburg GS, Bult C, Chisholm … GS, Jarvik GP, McLeod HL, Mensah GA, Relling MV, Roden DM, Rowley R, Tamburro C, Williams MS, and Green ED: Genomic …
Strategic Vision
Staff within the institute and colleagues in the genomics community organized and contributed to the >50 events associated with the strategic planning process (e.g., town halls, dedicated workshops, conference sessions, and webinars) and provided critical feedback.
… Lita Proctor NHGRI Erin Ramos NHGRI Charles Rotimi NHGRI Robb Rowley NHGRI Julie Sapp NHGRI Julie Segre NHGRI Shurjo Sen … University Marc Williams Geisinger Teri Manolio NHGRI Robb Rowley NHGRI … Name Organization Kellan Baker Johns …
… Gupta•Sheethal Jose•RonglingLi•Te r i M a n o l i o•Robb Rowley•Ken WileyPlanning Committee•Rex Chisholm•Dan …
… DPCE Mike Pazin, ERP Lisa Proctor, ERP Erin Ramos, ERP Robb Rowley, DIR Laura Rodriquez, DPCE Ben Ryan, IOD Laura Skow, …