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Educational Resources
Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease seen most often among people of African ancestry.
… Sickle Cell Disease … Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease seen most often … the disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The mutation causes the red blood cells to take on an …
Talking Glossary
Dominant, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait.
… genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait. … Dominant, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to …
Educational Resources
A polygenic trait is one whose phenotype is influenced by more than one gene.
… Polygenic Trait … A polygenic trait is one whose phenotype is influenced by more than one … Inheritance, Phenotype, Complex Disease … A polygenic trait is a characteristic, such as height or skin color, that …
Educational Resources
Recessive Traits and Alleles is a quality found in the relationship between two versions of a gene.
… genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait. Individuals inherit two versions of each gene, known … as alleles, from each parent. In the case of a recessive trait, the alleles of the trait-causing gene are the same, …
Educational Resources
A somatic cell is any cell of the body except sperm and egg cells.
… Somatic Cells … A somatic cell is any cell of the body except sperm and egg cells. … Cell, Chromosome, Diploid, Mutation, Germ Line … Somatic …
On November 16-17, 2023, the National Human Genome Institute will co-sponsor a workshop, Advances in the Genetic Architecture of Complex Human Traits, to take a historically grounded and forward-looking approach towards dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in humans.
… 1 – Cells, Tissues, and Organs As we continue to catalog cell types and cell states with ever increasing resolution and precision, … – defined as the number, effect sizes, and frequency of trait-associated alleles – to differ among traits (e.g., …
Educational Resources
A cell cycle is a series of events that takes place in a cell as it grows and divides.
… Cell Cycle … A cell cycle is a series of events that takes place in a cell as it grows and divides. … Cell Division, Basic Biology, DNA Synthesis … A cell cycle is …
Educational Resources
The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, is found in all cells and separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
… Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) … The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, is found in all cells and separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment. … Plasma Membrane, …
Health FAQ
Discuss these questions with your doctor or health care provider.
… Education Project welcomes your feedback about the sickle cell disease gene therapy resources. Please email your … so you can know the risk of your child having sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease. Genetic counselors are trained …
Fact Sheet
Your mental and physical health are deeply connected. Mental health is important for your health and quality of life. 
… these other factors. Risks of participation Check out the sickle cell disease gene therapy FAQ Cost What costs does the … guilty about no longer living with some of the symptoms of sickle cell disease while others still do. You may also feel …