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Research Funding
The developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression initiative's goal is to catalog and analyze transcriptional profiles from a wide variety of tissues from the pediatric period, including neonates through adolescents, in a post-mortem setting.
… New Haven, CT … The Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx) project, co-funded by the National Human … the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), studies gene expression patterns in the first 18 years of life by … as well as a tissue bank to study the regulation of gene expression in multiple relatively healthy reference …
News Release
NIH researchers have successfully identified differences in gene activity in the brains of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study, led by scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), found that individuals diagnosed with ADHD had differences in genes that code for known chemicals that brain cells use to communicate.
… Health (NIH) have successfully identified differences in gene activity in the brains of people with attention deficit … how specific genes are turned on or off, also known as gene expression . They studied two connected brain regions …
Educational Resources
The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance.
… Gene … The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance. … Inheritance, Gene, Double Helix, DNA, DNA Sequence … The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance. Genes are …
Educational Resources
A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular disease or other phenotype.
… Candidate Gene … A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a … Traits, Disease, Linkage Analysis … The term candidate gene refers to a gene that is believed to be related to a …
News Release
NIH and Inova Health are launching The Genomic Ascertainment Cohort, a pilot project that will examine gene and gene variant influence on phenotypes.
… and investigate the health consequences of their genes and gene variants. … Reversing a Long-Standing Paradigm To … them to recall genotyped people and examine the genes and gene variants' influence on their phenotypes, an individual's … traits or symptoms and then searching for genes or gene variants that cause or contribute to them. NIH will …
Educational Resources
A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a population or a species.
… Gene Pool … A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a … Diversity, Genes, Extinction, Population Genetics … A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes … present in a reproducing population or species. A large gene pool has extensive genomic diversity and is better able …
News Release
NIH researchers have created a data resource show how differences in an individual's genome can affect gene activity and contribute to disease.
… by the National Institutes of Health Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project have created a new and … differences in an individual's genomic make-up can affect gene activity and contribute to disease. The new resource … It gives us unique insights into how people differ in gene expression in tissues and organs." NIH launched the GTEx …
Clinical Research
GENE-FORECAST® is developing a community cohort and resource for defining the significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans.
… of Cardiovascular Disease in Africans Americans Study (GENE-FORECAST®) study is developing a community-based cohort … ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans. … GENE-FORECAST® will test the working hypothesis that … of these putative functional DNA variants of interest. GENE-FORECAST® Study Flyer … You will be able to participate …
Educational Resources
Gene mapping is the process of establishing the locations of genes on the chromosomes.
… Gene Mapping … Gene mapping is the process of establishing the locations of … Analysis, Genome Sequencing, DNA Sequencing, Chromosomes … Gene mapping refers to the process of determining the … on chromosomes. Today, the most efficient approach for gene mapping involves sequencing a genome and then using …
Educational Resources
Gene amplification is an increase in the number of copies of a gene sequence.
… Gene Amplification … Gene amplification is an increase in the number of copies of a gene sequence. … DNA Sequence, Cancer, PCR, Polymerase Chain …