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Educational Resources
Gene regulation is the process of turning genes on and off.
… Gene Regulation … Gene regulation is the process of turning genes on and off. … Gene Expression, Genes, DNA, Transcription Factors … Gene regulation is the process used to control the timing, …
Educational Resources
The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance.
… Gene … The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance. … Inheritance, Gene, Double Helix, DNA, DNA Sequence … The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance. Genes are …
Health FAQ
Discuss these questions with your doctor or health care provider.
… welcomes your feedback about the sickle cell disease gene therapy resources. Please email your comments or questions to … They are meant to promote your general understanding of gene therapy for sickle cell disease. We encourage you to use …
Educational Resources
A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular disease or other phenotype.
… Candidate Gene … A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a … Traits, Disease, Linkage Analysis … The term candidate gene refers to a gene that is believed to be related to a …
News Release
NIH and Inova Health are launching The Genomic Ascertainment Cohort, a pilot project that will examine gene and gene variant influence on phenotypes.
… and investigate the health consequences of their genes and gene variants. … Reversing a Long-Standing Paradigm To … them to recall genotyped people and examine the genes and gene variants' influence on their phenotypes, an individual's … traits or symptoms and then searching for genes or gene variants that cause or contribute to them. NIH will …
Educational Resources
Gene environment interaction is an influence on the expression of a trait that results from the interplay between genes and the environment.
… Gene Environment Interaction … Gene environment interaction is an influence on the … … Genes, Environmental Factors, Genetics, DNA … Gene–environment interaction refers to the interplay of genes … ultraviolet radiation from the sun and social context. … Gene environment interaction is an influence on the …
Fact Sheet
Currently, there are different gene therapy approaches available through clinical trials.
… before birth (during fetal development). After birth, a gene that codes for a blocking protein (BCL11A) is turned on. … complications. … To understand sickle cell disease and gene therapy , you should first know about blood cells and the …
News Release
Doctors and researchers reunite with patient who received gene therapy for GM1 gangliosidosis.
… Doctors and researchers reunite with patient who received gene therapy for GM1 gangliosidosis. … In a sun-lit conference … after Jojo attended the last tea party, she received gene therapy for her rare disorder, GM1 gangliosidosis.  … …
News Release
A team from the NIH has surmounted a major obstacle to testing potential drug therapies for a rare, genetic condition called Gaucher disease.
… is an inherited condition caused by alterations in the GBA gene. It affects one in every 50,000 to 100,000 people, but … called Gaucher disease. ​ … Gaucher disease, drug therapy for Gaucher disease, Ellen Sidransky Ph.D., GBA gene alterations, glucocerebroside accumulation … A team from …
Educational Resources
A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a population or a species.
… Gene Pool … A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a … Diversity, Genes, Extinction, Population Genetics … A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes … present in a reproducing population or species. A large gene pool has extensive genomic diversity and is better able …