Search Results

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Research Training
A one-year fellowship program that trains highly motivated physicians to diagnose, manage, and counsel patients with inborn errors of metabolism.
… for newly diagnosed infants with metabolic disorders. Counseling skills will be improved by teaching referring … Mitochondrial diseases, metabolic disorders and cardio-genetic diseases Carlos Ferreira, M.D. Skeletal dysplasias, … Melissa Merideth, M.D., MPH Gynecologic aspects of genetic and metabolic diseases Drew Michael, Ph.D. Molecular …
Professional Development Programs
Meeting a JHU/NHGRI Genetic Counseling Training Program graduate will help you learn more about the program and may help when deciding whether to apply.
… Meeting a JHU/NIH Genetic Counseling Training Program graduate will help you learn more … help when deciding whether to apply. … Coursework for the Genetic Counseling Training Program (GCTP) is offered on the …
Educational Resources
Genetic testing is the use of a laboratory test to look for genetic variations associated with a disease.
… Genetic Testing … Genetic testing is the use of a laboratory test to look for genetic variations associated with a disease. … Genetic Variation, Genetic Testing, Genetic Counselor, …
Educational Resources
Genetic discrimination is prejudice directed against people who have or may have a genetic disease.
… Genetic Discrimination … Genetic discrimination is prejudice directed against people who have or may have a genetic disease. … Genetic Discrimination, GINA, Genetic …
Educational Resources
Genetic epidemiology is a relatively new medical discipline that seeks to understand how genetic factors interact with the environment in the context of disease in populations.
… Genetic Epidemiology … Genetic epidemiology is a relatively new medical discipline that seeks to understand how genetic factors interact with the environment in the context of disease in populations. … Genetic Epidemiology, Healthcare, Medicine, Population …
Research Training
Two-year fellowships for M.D.s and Ph.D.s in cytogenetics, biochemical genetics and molecular genetics.
… to oversee and interpret cytogenetic and molecular genetic tests important in the diagnosis and management of human genetic disorders. … To gain the requisite laboratory … in Washington, DC. Fellows also gain clinical and genetic counseling exposure by seeing patients with genetic disorders …
Educational Resources
Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism.
… Genetic Engineering … Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. … Genetic Engineering, Recombinant DNA, Genes, DNA Sequence … …
Educational Resources
A genetic marker is a DNA sequence with a known physical location on a chromosome.
… Genetic Marker … A genetic marker is a DNA sequence with a known physical location on a chromosome. … Genetic Marker, DNA Sequence, Chromosome, Genetic Disease, Inheritance … A genetic marker is a DNA …
For Patients and Families
A list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases under investigation by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… Many human diseases have a genetic component. Some of these conditions are under … Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). … This list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases is provided for … purposes only and is by no means comprehensive. … A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a …
Clinical Research
The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Genetic Research Study explores the genetic factors contributing to ADHD to improve treatment in the future.
… The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Genetic Research Study is exploring the genetic factors that contribute to ADHD, with the hope of … and research studies have suggested that there may be a genetic component to this disorder. Individuals diagnosed …