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15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold.
… Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold. … Did you know that your genome … DNA, including a million-fold reduction in the cost for sequencing a human genome. Continually improving the accuracy … sequences. As a result, we now have multiple methods for sequencing DNA quickly and inexpensively (see videos in …
Educational Resources
DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique used to determine the exact sequence of bases (A, C, G, and T) in a DNA molecule.
… DNA Sequencing … DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique used to determine the … … Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, ACGT, DNA, DNA Sequencing … DNA sequencing refers to the general laboratory …
Research Funding
Coordinates activities across the Genome Sequencing Program components
… The National Human Genome Research Institute's Genome Sequencing Program Coordinating Center (GSPCC) was funded in 2016 to coordinate activities across the Genome Sequencing Program components. … The GSPCC has both … and administrative activities including: Tracking genome sequencing and analysis costs; data production and …
Educational Resources
A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.
… of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. … Codon, DNA, Nucleotide, Genetic Code, ACGT, Gene, … a unit of genomic information encoding a particular amino acid or signaling the termination of protein synthesis (stop … of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. … Educational Resources …
Fact Sheets
Estimated cost of sequencing the human genome over time since the Human Genome Project.
… have led to substantial reductions in the cost of genome sequencing. The underlying costs associated with different methods and strategies for sequencing genomes are of great interest because they … scrutiny and attention have been given to genome-sequencing costs and how they are calculated since the …
Fact Sheets
Data used to estimate the cost of sequencing the human genome over time since the Human Genome Project.
… (NHGRI) has tracked the costs associated with DNA sequencing performed at the sequencing centers funded by the Institute. This information … an important benchmark for assessing improvements in DNA sequencing technologies and for establishing the DNA …
Educational Resources
Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis.
… where mRNA is read and translated into the string of amino acid chains that make up the synthesized protein. … …
Research Funding
Funded in 2016 to harmonize, access, and analyze the data produced by the sequencing centers.
… The Genome Sequencing Program Analysis Centers (GSPACs) were funded in … to harmonize, access, and analyze the data produced by the sequencing centers. The GSPACs undertake novel, … … Participants … Grantees … Program Staff … Genome Sequencing Program Analysis Centers … Funded in 2016 to …
News Release
The Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium has offered an ethical framework to guide pediatricians in pursuing clinical sequencing studies.
… … More than many other diagnostic technologies, genome sequencing carries the possibility of incidental or … information they should disclose, and to whom, when genome sequencing uncovers signs of possible genetic risk for … … In a new analysis, a working group of the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium has offered …
Educational Resources
A peptide is one or more amino acids linked by chemical bonds.