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Research at NHGRI
CRGGH facilitates understanding of the relationship between genetic variation and population differences in disease distribution to inform health disparities.
… different human populations with particular attention to African Americans and Africans. … Our central mission is to … to reinforce that studying the genetic makeup of the African population will lend tremendous insight into the …
The Genome: Unlocking Life's Code exhibition celebrates the 10th anniversary of the initial sequencing of the human genome.
… Parts of the Cell, Chromosomes and Gene What's a Gene? The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture, Genomics and Histor … Funds …
Research at NHGRI
CRGGH develops a comprehensive staff and training program that uses genomic approaches to study human health and to reduce/eliminate health disparities.
… Howard University. In his continued efforts to include the African community (both public and scientific), Dr. Rotimi provided leadership for the establishment of the African Society of Human Genetics and served as its president … was no excuse for not including Africa and the African diaspora in the human genome revolution", comments Georgia …
On November 5-9, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.  The annual meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics. 
… Genome Sequencing YieldsNovel Insights into SARS-CoV-2 in African Americans 5097F Jiayu Fu Phasing Accuracy of … reveals islet cell depletion exacerbated in individuals of African ancestry with Type 2 diabetes 5169F Tam Tran … Talk: Genetic Determinants of Liver Function Markers in African Ancestry Populations Speaker, Reagan Mogire 1:15 – …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have successfully used facial recognition software to diagnose a rare, genetic disease in known as DiGeorge syndrome.
Dr. Neil Hanchard is a clinical investigator within the Center for Precision Health Research (CPHR) and head of the Childhood Complex Disease Genomics Section within the CPHR.
… in children, and is found more often among populations of African- or Hispanic ancestries. Children with COEH are … project funded by the NIH, Wellcome Trust, and African Academy of Sciences (AAS) known as the Human Health … ; @H3Africa). Our project – the Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN; @CAfGEN1) is based in …
Research Funding
The centers study in innovative ways to address important ethical, legal, and social issues related to advances in genomics.
… University Center on Genomics and Social Identity in the African Diaspora Charmaine Royal, Ph.D., Howard University, … and cultural identities of individuals and communities of African descent and how those identities influence attitudes …
Appropriate use of population descriptors in research is a critical scientific issue that is important for advancing genomic science and improving healthcare across human populations.
… Latino or Spanish for ethnicity, and White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native and Asian … people are believed to have origins or roots, such as African, European, and Asian. In this way, descriptors for … et al. New fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo sapiens . Nature . …
On October 25-29, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.
… A mosaic founder population of an Irish and British diaspora from 300 years ago Board No. PB2824 Edmund Gilbert … Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology Developing an African American population-based transcriptome predicion …
Research at NHGRI
A list of publications led by or in collaboration with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… of community gatekeepers about genomic risk information in African cleft research. BMC Public Health . 24(1):507. 2024. … risk between major orofacial cleft phenotypes in an African population. Genet Epidemiol . 2024. [ PubMed ]   Zhu … three axes of dysregulation for asthma risk in the African Diaspora populations. Nat Commun . 15(1):4546. 2024. [ PubMed …