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Talking Glossary
Cell-free DNA testing is a laboratory method that involves analyzing free (i.e., non-cellular) DNA contained within a biological sample, most often to look for genomic variants associated with a hereditary or genetic disorder.
Dr. Colin Fletcher is the program director in the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) in NHGRI's Extramural Research Program.
… 8,500 knockouts of mouse genes, in the form of embryonic stem (ES) cells. He is now working to implement The Knockout Mouse … Mouse Phenotyping Project (KOMP2), mouse genes, embryonic stem cells … Colin Fletcher, Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP), …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have released new educational materials to help the sickle cell disease community learn about gene therapies for the disease.
… the disease comes from the “sickle” shape of the red blood cells that form in patients with the disorder. Red blood cells contain the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in …
News Release
Researchers explored patients', parents' and physicians' perspectives on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing to reverse sickle cell disease.
… is caused by a single gene mutation that causes red blood cells to take on an unusual sickle shape. People affected by …
Fact Sheet
Learn about the different types of hemoglobin.
… and gene therapy , you should first know about blood cells and the different types of hemoglobin that make up red … which causes different health complications. … Blood stem cells (also called hematopoietic stem cells) are cells that can develop into any type of blood …
Educational Resources
Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease seen most often among people of African ancestry.
… recessive trait. The mutation causes the red blood cells to take on an unusual sickle shape. Individuals …
News Release
NIH researchers and collaborators have found that that sickle cell trait is prevalent among diverse human populations.
… cell disease, a genetic condition that causes red blood cells to become rigid and sticky, which blocks blood flow. …
Educational Resources
Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death.
… It is used during early development to eliminate unwanted cells; for example, those between the fingers of a developing … hand. In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair. Apoptosis also …
Educational Resources
The nucleolus is a region found within the cell nucleus that is concerned with producing and assembling the cell's ribosomes.