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Research Training
NHGRI T32 Frequently Asked Questions regarding review.
Policies and Guidance
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the NHGRI's Metadata and Phenotypic Data Sharing Expectations.
Important information about RFAs, upcoming dates, frequently asked questions and helpful links.
Policies and Guidance
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the GDS Policy expectations for NHGRI-funded genomic research.
Policies and Guidance
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Update to NIH Management of Genomic Summary Results Access.
Funding for Research Training
NHGRI T32 Frequently Asked Questions regarding progress reports
Funding for Research Training
NHGRI T32 frequently asked questions regarding post award and grants management.
Answers to frequently asked questions on how the NHGRI receives and uses its funding.
Research Training
NHGRI T32 Frequently Asked Questions regarding preparing and submitting a new or renewal application.
Research Training
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Institutional Research Training Grants (T32).