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Talking Glossary
The genome reference sequence provides a general framework and is not the DNA sequence of a single person.
Talking Glossary
GMO (short for “genetically modified organism”) is a plant, animal or microbe in which one or more changes have been made to the genome, typically using high-tech genetic engineering, in an attempt to alter the characteristics of an organism.
Talking Glossary
A gigabase (abbreviated Gb) is a unit of measurement used to help designate the length of DNA.
Talking Glossary
Genomic medicine is a medical discipline that involves using a person’s genomic information as part of their clinical care.
Talking Glossary
Genetics is the branch of biology concerned with the study of inheritance, including the interplay of genes, DNA variation and their interactions with environmental factors.
Talking Glossary
Understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research
Talking Glossary
Gender involves how a person identifies along a broad, fluid spectrum, rather than strictly by the sex assignment they received at birth.
Talking Glossary
A gamete is a reproductive cell of an animal or plant.
Talking Glossary
An exome is the sequence of all the exons in a genome, reflecting the protein-coding portion of a genome. In humans, the exome is about 1.5% of the genome.
Talking Glossary
Eugenics is a discredited belief that selective breeding for certain inherited human traits can improve the “fitness” of future generations. For eugenicists, “fitness” corresponded to a narrow view of humanity and society that developed directly from the ideologies and practices of scientific racism, colonialism, ableism and imperialism.