Search Results
NHGRI and NICHD program staff will hold a pre-application interactive Q&A webinar for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project funding opportunities and answer questions from prospective applicants.
… LDACC work with AnVIL ? The LDACC will deposit data from gene expression and genotyping analyses in the AnVIL on a … Procurement Center (BPC) Supporting the Developmental Gene Expression (dGTEx) Project: John Ilekis, Ph.D. National …
NHGRI, NICHD, NIMH, and ORIP program staff held a pre-application webinar with an interactive Q&A session for the Non-Human Primate Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (NHP dGTEx) Project.
For Health Professionals
The Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) aims to improve genomic literacy of healthcare providers and enhance the effective practice of genomics-informed healthcare by facilitating interactions among the key stakeholders in genomics education.
… practice of genomics-informed healthcare by facilitating interactions among the key stakeholders in genomics … practice of genomics-informed healthcare by facilitating interactions among the key stakeholders in genomics … practice of genomics-informed healthcare by facilitating interactions among the key stakeholders in genomics …
On March 15, 2021, NHGRI’s Policy and Program Analysis Branch hosted a panel discussion exploring a constant tension at multiple levels in genomics research and medicine, from patient-provider interactions to research engagement with marginalized communities.
… in genomics research and medicine, from patient-provider interactions to research engagement with marginalized … in genomics research and medicine, from patient-provider interactions to research engagement with marginalized … in genomics research and medicine, from patient-provider interactions to research engagement with marginalized …
NHGRI, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) will host a pre-application interactive webinar for the Multi-Omics for Health and Disease program funding opportunity announcements (FOAs): RFA-HG-22-008,
RFA-HG-22-009 and RFA-HG-22-010.
About Genomics
In 2003, an accurate and complete human genome sequence was finished two years ahead of schedule and at a cost less than the original estimated budget.
… Project covers about 99 percent of the human genome's gene-containing regions, and it has been sequenced to an … 30,000 STSs 52,000 STSs October 1998 DNA Sequence 95% of gene-containing part of human sequence finished to 99.99% … Variations, Phenotypes, Large-scale Protein-protein Interactions, Data Sets Of Sequence And Variation … In 2003, …
Policies and Guidance
Guidance describing NHGRI’s position on appropriate third-party involvement.
… third-party involvement. It applies to post-award interactions with third parties; pre-award interactions are reported and reviewed by NHGRI in the … third-party involvement. It applies to post-award interactions with third parties; pre-award interactions are …
Dr. Carolyn M. Hutter was the director of the Division of Genome Sciences at the National Human Genome Research Institute.​
… consortia work for genome-wide association studies and on gene-environment interactions for cancer and other complex diseases. Dr. …