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News Release
Researchers, clinicians, and computational biologists meet to consider future opportunities for NHGRI's Genome Sequencing Program.
… Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) flagship Genome Sequencing Program (GSP) at a July 28 - 29 meeting in … Md. … The workshop, "Future Opportunities for Genome Sequencing and Beyond: A Planning Workshop for the National … significant projects that push the boundaries of genome sequencing technology applications and develop important data …
News Release
NHGRI convened geneticists, biologists, clinicians, bioinformatics specialists and more to provide expert advice on the future of its Genome Sequencing Program.
… provide expert advice on the future of its flagship Genome Sequencing Program (GSP). … The two-day meeting, titled, Future Opportunities for Genome Sequencing and Beyond: A Planning workshop for the National … This research should help determine the value of whole genome sequencing (examining all of the genome, not …
Research Funding
The Genome Sequencing Program uses genome sequencing to identify genes and genomic variants underlying human inherited disease.
… The Genome Sequencing Program is consists of the following centers … funding opportunity announcements. … The NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program (GSP) has evolved from NIH's participation … the integration and efficiency of the program as a whole. See:  Genome Sequencing Program Coordinating Center …
News Release
A new study by researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is challenging traditional practices for validating DNA sequencing results.
… is challenging traditional practices for validating DNA sequencing results. The research suggests that newer, faster, "next-generation" DNA sequencing (NGS) methods are as accurate - and perhaps more accurate - than Sanger sequencing, a time-tested technique that is typically used to …
Research at NHGRI
The NIH Intramural Sequencing Center is a multi-disciplinary genomics facility that emphasizes the generation and analysis of DNA sequence.
… The NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC) , established in 1997, is a … best. The most common types of sequencing projects include whole exome sequencing, RNA sequencing, custom capture sequencing, …
Talking Glossary
Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule.
… Nanopore DNA Sequencing … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the … nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule. … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the …
News Release
NHGRI awards $6.7 million in new research grants to develop DNA sequencing technologies that are more sensitive, faster, cheaper and more accurate.
… is surely not alone in his astonishment. The field of DNA sequencing is full of ideas that are just crazy enough to … $6.7 million in new research grants to develop DNA sequencing technologies that are more sensitive, faster, … in 2004 through the Genome Technology Program. "Direct RNA sequencing is one of the particularly exciting aspects of …
Talking Glossary
The genome reference sequence provides a general framework and is not the DNA sequence of a single person.
News Release
NIH lost a key member of its broader genomics team when Robert Blakesley, Ph.D., director of the NISC sequencing group at NIH, retired on Dec. 31, 2015.
… 31 retirement of Robert Blakesley, Ph.D., director of the sequencing group at the NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC) in Rockville, Maryland. … "Bob's … sequence reads for 76 researchers using the Sanger dideoxy sequencing method. That figure has spiked in the last six …
Talking Glossary
Next-generation DNA sequencing (abbreviated NGS) refers to the use of technologies for sequencing DNA that became available shortly after the completion of the Human Genome Project (which relied on the first-generation method of Sanger sequencing).
… Next-Generation DNA Sequencing … Next-generation DNA sequencing (abbreviated NGS) refers to the use of technologies for sequencing DNA that became available shortly after the …