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News Release
Researchers are asking if the precision medicine approach will reduce or eliminate the role that race plays in prescribing drugs and in health care overall.
Frequently asked questions about the annual Bettie J. Graham Leadership Award for Enhancing DEIA in the Genomics Workforce.
Frequently asked questions from the May 23, 2023 informational webinar, ELSI Research and the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy.
… or say what they are, include a codebook for your data (anything that would help with analysis). Anything that would help people read your data and use it …
Research Training
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowships with awards specifically for predoctoral students.
… be included in the fellowship resubmission. Could you tell me if the number of publications per applicant is a strict …
Research Funding
Frequently asked questions about the Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented Undergraduates into the Genomic Field to Promote Diversity (GREAT) Program RFA.
Frequently asked questions from the May 23, 2023 informational webinar, ELSI Research and the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy.
Frequently asked questions about National DNA Day - a unique day when students, teachers, and the public can learn more about genetics and genomics.
… are a National DNA Day Partner. Invite your friends and ask them to invite their friends. We have also included a …
Frequently asked questions on the webinar for the Diversity Centers for Genome Research funding opportunity announcements (FOAs): (RFA-HG-22-026 and RFA-HG-22-027.
Frequently asked questions related to the Informational Session on the Renewed ELSI Funding Opportunities: R01 (PAR-23-293), R21 (PAR-23-294), and R03 (PAR-23-295).
… Funding Opportunity   Do I need a professor to work with me for this funding? There is no specific requirement for who …
Frequently asked questions from the November 2, 2022 webinar that provided an overview of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the AnVIL Clinical Resource (ACR) RFA-HG-22-021.