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Talking Glossary
A gamete is a reproductive cell of an animal or plant.
Talking Glossary
An exome is the sequence of all the exons in a genome, reflecting the protein-coding portion of a genome. In humans, the exome is about 1.5% of the genome.
Talking Glossary
Eugenics is a discredited belief that selective breeding for certain inherited human traits can improve the “fitness” of future generations. For eugenicists, “fitness” corresponded to a narrow view of humanity and society that developed directly from the ideologies and practices of scientific racism, colonialism, ableism and imperialism.
Talking Glossary
Environmental factors, as related to genetics, refers to exposures to substances (such as pesticides or industrial waste) where we live or work, behaviors (such as smoking or poor diet) that can increase an individual’s risk of disease or stressful situations (such as racism).
Talking Glossary
Dominant, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait.
Talking Glossary
Data science involves the study of large, complex data sets that arise from various types of research projects.
Talking Glossary
CRISPR (short for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats”) is a technology that research scientists use to selectively modify the DNA of living organisms.
Talking Glossary
The central dogma of molecular biology is a theory that states that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA to RNA to protein.
Talking Glossary
Cell-free DNA testing is a laboratory method that involves analyzing free (i.e., non-cellular) DNA contained within a biological sample, most often to look for genomic variants associated with a hereditary or genetic disorder.
Talking Glossary
cDNA (short for copy DNA; also called complementary DNA) is synthetic DNA that has been transcribed from a specific mRNA through a reaction using the enzyme reverse transcriptase