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News Release
NIH is launching a program, Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC), to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene.
… by the program will use versions of genes that do not make functional proteins, called null alleles. In the absence of making its functional protein, a given gene’s function can be more … functional information between the gene knock-out at the DNA level and the organism-level effects. We want to catalog …
Talking Glossary
Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule.
… Nanopore DNA Sequencing … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule. … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory …
Talking Glossary
cDNA (short for copy DNA; also called complementary DNA) is synthetic DNA that has been transcribed from a specific mRNA through a reaction using the enzyme reverse transcriptase
… cDNA (copy DNA) … cDNA (short for copy DNA; also called complementary DNA) is synthetic DNA that has been transcribed from a …
News Release
On April 25, National DNA Day, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will welcome a new statue, “The Ladder,” celebrating DNA and children.
… about genomics through sculpture. … On April 25, National DNA Day, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will welcome a new statue, “The Ladder,” celebrating DNA and children. National DNA Day is a unique day when students, teachers and the …
News Release
ENCODE program directors in the Division of Genome Sciences turned to Reddit to answer questions from the Reddit community.
… National Human Genome Research Institute's ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project has spent 13 years building a catalog of all the functional elements in the human genome sequence , and making …
Genomics Teaching Tool
An activity that demonstrates how DNA can be isolated from a strawberry using common household items.
… plants, animals and bacteria. Deoxyribonucleic acid , or DNA, is the molecule that controls everything that happens in the cell. DNA contains instructions that direct the activities of cells … body.  With only a few household items, you can extract DNA from strawberries just about anywhere! Extracting DNA
News Release
Scientists set their sights on chromatin - the DNA-protein complex that packages DNA into chromosomes in the cell - to better understand how the genome works.
… , scientists have set their sights on chromatin - the DNA-protein complex that packages DNA into chromosomes in the cell - to better understand how … Institute (NHGRI)-funded programs, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project and the Centers of Excellence in …
News Release
On its 15th anniversary, National DNA Day and NHGRI shared its genomics expertise to explain the importance of genomics in our everyday lives.
… Faherty, Ph.D. … NHGRI has celebrated previous National DNA Days - an annual commemoration of the completion of the Human Genome Project and the discovery of DNA's double helix structure - in big ways. … On the 15th … of genomics in our everyday lives through a National DNA Day Reddit Science "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) Series. NHGRI …
Media Availability
National DNA Day events give the public a chance to ask questions about genetics and genomics.
… (NHGRI) will celebrate its fourteenth annual National DNA Day on Monday, April 25, 2016. National DNA Day commemorates the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953. … NHGRI, part of the National …
A list of high quality educational activities to engage students on DNA Day.
… high-quality educational activities to engage students on DNA Day. … DNA Day Essay Contest from ASHG American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) DNA Day essay contest is open to students in grades 9-12 …