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Information about how the NHGRI receives its funding and decides how to spend its annual budget.
… Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) receives its funding through annual Congressional appropriation. … Every … of genetic information. The NHGRI budget provides funding for a dynamic intramural research program in genetic and … to spend its annual budget. ​ … NHGRI Budget, NIH Budget, Genomics Research Funding, Congressional Justification … …
Careers and Training
Select training and funding opportunities at various career levels.
… Office (TiDHE) supports initiatives and opportunities for genomics education and careers; cultivates genomics training … Development for Medical Students + PAR-21-312   Research Funding Opportunities   NHGRI solicits grant applications …
Research Funding
A list of the current courses that are funded by the NHGRI Initiative to Maximize Research Education in Genomics.
… Description Institution Translation and Integration of Genomics is Essential to Doctoral Nursing: TIGER A program to … practice. Vanderbilt University Epigenomics Workshop for Graduate Students A workshop hosted by the Van Andel … to Maximize Research Education in Genomics. … Research Funding …
Research Funding
A list of division and program directors for research program funding at the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… Directors … A list of division and program directors for research program funding at the National Human Genome Research Institute. … A …
Research Training
An opportunity for students to receive individualized research mentoring, learn about careers in genomics and have access to a network of early-career genome scientists.
… “The promise of genomics cannot be fully achieved without successfully … M.D., Ph.D., NHGRI Director … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Division of Intramural Research is … clinicians in this domain.   The Immersive Summer Program for Research in Genomics (iSPRinG) aims to build and sustain …
News Release
Two grants will support studies on genomic literacy among Africans relating to research conducted in Africa by African investigators.
… project to understand cultural and language concepts of genomics in Nigeria. The goal is to develop a participant consent form for a diabetes study that better relays genetic concepts in … research conducted in Africa by African investigators. ​ … Funding for H3Africa, genomic literacy studies, Ehiopia …
News Release
NIH will fund researchers to develop computational approaches to figure out which differences in DNA make people more susceptible to disease.
… less-studied regions of the genome that are responsible for regulating gene activity. A better understanding of these … Pazin, Ph.D., program director in the NHGRI Functional Genomics Program. "We hope that a variety of approaches will … in DNA make people more susceptible to disease. … NIH funding and disease susceptibility, genetic variation, …
Research at NHGRI
The NHGRI Intramural Research Award recognizes research achievements by trainees in basic, clinical, and social behavioral science research.
… The NHGRI Intramural Research Award distinguishes meritorious research accomplishments for a single, notable research achievement or a larger body … who continue to make valuable contributions in the area of genomics and related fields. Our well-deserving recipients …
On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute hosted an eConsult webinar to provide an overview of three notice of funding opportunities (RFA-HG-24-001, PAR-24-106 and PAR-24-107).
… … On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute hosted an eConsult webinar to provide an overview of three notice of funding opportunities: RFA-HG-24-001 : Research on the Impact of and Methods for Implementing Regional Genomic Medicine eConsult Services …
Policy Issues
Participating in genomics research is an opportunity to support exploration of the genome and help scientists understand, prevent, detect and treat disease.
… Participating in genomics research is an opportunity to support scientific exploration … to commit? This very much varies from study to study. For any study you are considering, it is important that you …