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Clinical Research
In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, scientists at the NIH highlighted an increased incidence of Parkinson disease among patients with GD and their families.
… Further understanding of this risk is a main focus of research of our team. … Ongoing, currently recruiting: … P, Pastores G, Zimran A, Goker-Alpan O, Sidransky E. Clinical course and prognosis in patients with Gaucher … (301) 827-1877 For Basic Research, Collaboration or Clinical Trials: Ellen Sidransky, M.D. …
The Genomics Landscape
In the February 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green recognizes Dr. Bill Gahl's achievements as Clinical Director.
… and the field of genomics.   … After ~16 years as Clinical Director within NHGRI's Intramural Research Program, … well as genomic experts and technologies (including genome sequencing) to the program. As one of his UDP highlights, … and Genomics (eMERGE) Network & Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating Research (CSER): Genomics and Medicine …
Research at NHGRI
A list of scientific and clinical research investigators at NHGRI.
… Cores … Adjunct Investigators … Scientist Emeriti … Research Investigators … A list of scientific and clinical research investigators at the National Human Genome Research Institute. … A list of scientific and clinical research investigators at NHGRI. … Research at NHGRI …
Educational Resources
Shotgun sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the DNA sequence of an organism's genome.
… Shotgun Sequencing … Shotgun sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the DNA … an organism's genome. … Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), DNA Sequencing, Genome, Human Genome Project … Shotgun sequencing …
News Release
NHGRI appointed Carolyn Hutter, Ph.D., director of the Division of Genome Sciences, which researches human genome function in health and disease.
… Sheena Faherty, Ph.D. … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has appointed Carolyn Hutter, … a research portfolio focused on epidemiology and genome sequencing, which included grants in the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) program. She …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold.
… Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold. … Did you know that your genome …   Resources for Educators: Career Profile:  Laboratory Research Assistant or Technician  |  Video Learn.Genetics - … and Whole Genome Sequencing? The Jackson Laboratory - Clinical Education Resources on Genetics and Genomics Courses …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have produced the first end-to-end DNA sequence of a human chromosome. The results show that generating a precise, base-by-base sequence of a human chromosome is now possible, and will enable researchers to produce a complete sequence of the human genome.
… Ph.D. … This accomplishment opens a new era in genomics research. … Researchers at the National Human Genome Research … results, published today in the journal Nature , show that generating a precise, base-by-base sequence of a human … incredibly long, consisting of about 6 billion bases, DNA sequencing machines cannot read all the bases at once. …
Media Availability
Researchers have created a promising new method to accurately and more comprehensively analyze and interpret DNA sequence information from cancer patients.
… mutations and variations and ranks them according to their clinical and biological relevance to a patient's cancer. … … Nature Medicine . Their work is supported by the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research program at the National Human Genome Research …
Educational Resources
DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique used to determine the exact sequence of bases (A, C, G, and T) in a DNA molecule.
… DNA Sequencing … DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique used to determine the … additional methods represents an active area of genomics research. … DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique used to …
Research Funding
GS-IT provides sequence analysis tools and software to scientists who rely on genomics in their research.
… … Grantees … Program Staff … Related Content … Genome Sequencing Informatics Tools (GS-IT) provides "researcher … rely on genomics in their biological, biomedical and clinical research. … Genome Sequencing Informatics Tools … Genome …