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Dr. Lawrence Brody is a senior investigator in NHGRI's Social and Behavioral Research Branch and director of NHGRI's Division of Genomics and Society. ​
… that lead to perturbations in normal metabolic pathways and cause disorders such as cancer and birth defects. His … science over supposition in the arena of personalized genomics. Nat Genet , 40(8):939-42. 2008. [ PubMed ] … … and Behavioral Research Branch and director of NHGRI's Division of Genomics and Society. ​ … Staff …
Jobs at NHGRI
NHGRI has multiple position openings for Health Scientist Administrators in the Division of Genome Sciences, Division of Genomic Medicine, Division of Extramural Operations, and Office of the Director.
… for Health Scientist Administrators (Program Director and Scientific Review Officer) in the Division of Genome Sciences , Division of Genomic Medicine , … (NIH) funded consortia and working groups focused on genomics. Division of Genome Sciences candidates should have …
News Release
The American Society of Human Genetics and NHGRI have teamed up to sponsor the new Genetics and Education Fellowship.
… John Daniels … Realizing the benefits of genomics will require an educated public who can understand … the implications of genomics for their health care and evaluate the relevant public policy issues,according to … Education and Community Involvement Branch, within NHGRI's Division of Policy, Communications and Education. At meetings …
The Genomics Landscape
In the June 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details NHGRI's new Diversity in Genomics Workforce Initiative.
… Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D. … This issue of  The Genomics Landscape  comes at an especially difficult time, … across the United States on top of the illness, death, and physical isolation that we have been experiencing … together due to COVID-19. NHGRI values a community and society in which all are respected and safe – at home, in the …
News Release
Grants are awarded to GTEx project to explore human gene expression and regulation in different tissues, and how genomic variation modulates that expression.
… (GTEx) project to explore how human genes are expressed and regulated in different tissues, and the role that genomic … Volpi, Pharm.D., Ph.D., GTEx program director in the Division of Genomic Medicine at the National Human Genome … Struewing, M.D., GTEx program director in the NHGRI Division of Genomic Medicine. The following research groups …
News Release
NHGRI has awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) a five-year, $7.1 million contract to support a new Genomics and Public Service Fellowship Program, which will provide early-stage professionals with experience in a range of genomics careers.
… Program to support emerging genomics leaders in policy, education, communications and scientific program management. … The National Human … National Institutes of Health, has awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) a five-year, $7.1 million …
A list of organizations and federal agency partners that have members in the Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG).
… The Organizations and Federal Agency Partners listed below have members in the … Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG). … 23andMe Accreditation Council for … Development (NICHD) National Institute on Aging (NIA) Division of Extramural Activities National Institute on …
Dr. Teri Manolio is the director of the Division of Genomic Medicine at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… As a physician and epidemiologist, Teri Manolio, M.D., Ph.D. has a deep … research on large groups of people. As the Director of the Division of Genomic Medicine, a position she has held since … as senior advisor to the NHGRI Director for population genomics, and in 2007 established NHGRI’s Office of …
NHGRI's organizational structure is divided into seven divisions and the Office of the Director to reflect the emerging landscape of genomics research.
… organizational structure is divided into six divisions and the Office of the Director to reflect the emerging landscape of genomics research.   … In 2012, NHGRI formally reorganized … Research Program into four new divisions and promoting to division status the office overseeing policy, communications, …
Dr. Carolyn M. Hutter is the director of the Division of Genome Sciences at the National Human Genome Research Institute.​
… Dr. Carolyn Hutter has been the director for the Division of Genome Sciences in the National Human Genome … in 2017. In this role, Dr. Hutter leads efforts to support and accelerate foundational resources, technology … in the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program. She transferred to NHGRI in 2013 …