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Dr. Benjamin Solomon is the Clinical Director in the Office of the Clinical Director at the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… V, Easter CL, Feingold EA, Felsenfeld AL, Kaufman DJ, Ostrander EA, Pavan WJ, Phillippy AM, Wise AL, Dayal JG, Kish …
… 1) Name of Individual(s) Submitting Entry: Robert J. Ostrander, M.D. 2) List a nd briefly describe your …
Research at NHGRI
A list of publications led by or in collaboration with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… Musani S, Neslund-Dudas C, North KE, Nyante S, Ogunniyi A, Ostrander EA, Papanicolaou G, Patel S, Pettaway CA, Press MF, …