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News Release
Jeffery Schloss, Ph.D., founding director of the Division of Genome Sciences, is embarking on a new journey: retirement.
… … After an extraordinary career at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), Jeffery Schloss, Ph.D., founding director of the Division of Genome Sciences, is embarking on a new journey: retirement. … … from a successful career that included leading NHGRI's DNA Sequencing Technology Development Program. He also aided in …
Talking Glossary
Next-generation DNA sequencing (abbreviated NGS) refers to the use of technologies for sequencing DNA that became available shortly after the completion of the Human Genome Project (which relied on the first-generation method of Sanger sequencing).
… Next-Generation DNA Sequencing … Next-generation DNA sequencing (abbreviated NGS) … became available shortly after the completion of the Human Genome Project (which relied on the first-generation method … became available shortly after the completion of the Human Genome Project (which relied on the first-generation method …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have produced the first end-to-end DNA sequence of a human chromosome. The results show that generating a precise, base-by-base sequence of a human chromosome is now possible, and will enable researchers to produce a complete sequence of the human genome.
… in genomics research. … Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National … researchers to produce a complete sequence of the human genome.     “This accomplishment begins a new era in genomics … incredibly long, consisting of about 6 billion bases, DNA sequencing machines cannot read all the bases at once. …
News Release
New grants totaling approximately $29.5 million will enable scientists to generate and maintain the most comprehensive reference sequence of the human genome.
… the most comprehensive reference sequence of the human genome. The awards, made over five years pending the … availability of funds, are managed by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National … The funds are necessary for making advances in DNA sequencing technology and computational methods possible. As …
Talking Glossary
Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule.
… Nanopore DNA Sequencing … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the … nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule. … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the …
News Release
Researchers and clinicians are sequencing human genomes faster than ever, so considering the societal implications of genomic data is even crucial.
… Implications (ELSI) Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute, launched in 1990 with the … factors to consider. Now, researchers and clinicians are sequencing human genomes faster than ever, so considering the … has been a lot of debate within the clinical genomics, pediatric and bioethics communities. Traditionally, decisions …
News Release
NHGRI awards $6.7 million in new research grants to develop DNA sequencing technologies that are more sensitive, faster, cheaper and more accurate.
… is surely not alone in his astonishment. The field of DNA sequencing is full of ideas that are just crazy enough to … device that harnesses electric current to decipher the genome. "Parts of the genome remain hidden, or are extremely hard to analyze with …
News Release
The goat has contributed its DNA to a new method for high-quality, low-cost genome reconstruction, one that will be useful for reading human and other genomes.
… that presents a new method for high-quality, low-cost genome reconstruction. In addition to the goat genome, this technique will be useful for accurately reading … researchers used a variety of methods, including PacBio sequencing , which was released in 2011. Dr. Phillippy and …
The Genomics Landscape
In the June 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details NHGRI's new Diversity in Genomics Workforce Initiative.
… up to the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project in October 2020. I encourage you to check out … including the Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science, genome-sequencing centers, and model organism databases. Since its …
About Genomics
The Human Genome Project was an inward voyage of discovery led by an international team of researchers looking to sequence and map all the genes of our species.
… The Human Genome Project (HGP) is one of the greatest scientific feats … to comprehensively study all of the DNA (known as a genome) of a select set of organisms. Launched in October 1990 and completed in April 2003, the Human Genome Project’s signature accomplishment – generating the …