Search Results

41 - 43 of 43
Research Training
NHGRI funds training and career development programs at academic, medical and other institutions throughout the U.S.
Dr. Mullikin was the former director of the NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC).
… S A , 109(33):13319-24. 2012. [ PubMed ] Kaelin CB, Xu X, Hong LZ, David VA, McGowan KA, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Roelke ME, …
Research at NHGRI
A list of publications led by or in collaboration with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… studies. Nat Commun . 14(1):6802. 2023. [ PubMed ]   Hong HG, Gouveia MH , Ogwang MD, Kerchan P, Reynolds SJ, … [ PubMed ] Liu CT, Raghavan S, Maruthur N, Kabagambe EK, Hong J, Ng MC, Hivert MF, Lu Y, An P,  Bentley AR , Drolet …