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Dr. Shurjo Sen is a program director in NHGRI's Division of Genome Sciences who manages a portfolio of grants focused upon genomic data sciences, and is particularly interested in transitioning genomics from a centralized data repository model to cloud-based collaborative science.
… Extramural Research Program as a program director in 2019. He manages a portfolio of grants focused upon … Dr. Sen also has an interest in training initiatives at NHGRI that aim to create an expanded and diverse bioinformatics workforce for managing the massive data volumes being produced in
Jobs at NHGRI
NHGRI has four position openings for Health Scientist Administrators (Program Director and Scientific Review Officer). Program Director positions will have a special concentration in informatics and data science and will be located in the Division of Genomic Medicine, the Division of Genome Sciences, or the Office of Genomic Data Science. Scientific Review Officers will reside in the Division of Extramural Operations and will organize peer review meetings for all areas of genomic research at NHGRI.
… The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has four position openings for Health Scientist Administrators (Program Directors). … … leadership, organize scientific workshops, and participate in NHGRI and trans-National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded …
News Release
NHGRI has awarded $6.4 million in first-year funding to establish Diversity Centers for Genome Research at three institutions: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Meharry Medical College; and the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Centers will support innovative genomics studies, providing training for students and tackling important genomics research … Director at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of NIH. The first cohort of centers will be …
NHGRI Director
A selection of NHGRI Director Eric Green's recent interviews, speeches, awards and institute testimony.
NHGRI Director Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., is invited to speak … interviews, speeches, awards and institute testimony. For more information about Dr. Green's news and events, … and Evolution Symposium San Juan, Puerto Rico June 2 Centers for Mendelian Genomics Program Meeting Bethesda, Md. …
Diversity Center
Meharry Medical College establishes a Diversity Center for Genome Research (DCGR) that will narrow inequitable representation gaps for underrepresented, disadvantaged minority by realizing their vision to promote African ancestry genomic research through infrastructure building and the formation of basic, clinical, and computational science research teams that are inclusive, interdisciplinary, and community-engaged.
… Medical College (MMC) is committed to bridging the gaps for underrepresented, disadvantaged minority (URM) groups by … infrastructure and processes supporting academic excellence in genomics research of populations with African … Center for Genome Research at Meharry Medical College centers on the genetic basis of chronic diseases prevalent …
Training, Diversity and Health Equity Office (TiDHE)
The Diversity Centers for Genome Research Consortium aims to support the development of innovative genomic research projects through infrastructure building and the formation of interdisciplinary research teams at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), institutions with a documented record and/or historical and current mission of recruiting, educating, training and graduating students from any of the populations identified as underrepresented in biomedical research.
… The Diversity Centers for Genome Research Consortium aims to support the … NIH Diversity Center for Genome Research December 7, 2023 NHGRI Web Feature:  NIH establishes new Diversity Centers for
Valentina Di Francesco is NHGRI's Chief Data Science Strategist and Director of the Office of Genomic Data Science within the NHGRI Office of the Director.
… Valentina Di Francesco is NHGRI's first Chief Data science Strategist and Director of the Office of Genomic Data Science. In this role, she will provide leadership, strategic guidance and coordination for NHGRI activities, programs and policies in genomic data …
The NHGRI Community Engagement in Genomics Working Group aims to engage communities to ensure that genomics and genomic medicine benefit all.
… The NHGRI Community Engagement in Genomics Working Group aims to … 2017 as a working group of the National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research. The goals of the working group are … NHGRI, other National Institutes of Health institutes or centers and national and international organizations. … …
Jobs at NHGRI
NHGRI has multiple position openings for Health Scientist Administrators in the Division of Genome Sciences, Division of Genomic Medicine, Division of Extramural Operations, and Office of the Director.
… The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has multiple position openings for Health Scientist Administrators (Program Director and Scientific Review Officer) in the Division of Genome Sciences , Division of Genomic
The USA Science and Engineering Festival is an opportunity to take part in hands-on genetics and genomics activities.
… Join NHGRI staff at the USA Science and Engineering Festival to take part in hands-on genetics and genomics activities. Here we've …