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News Release
NHGRI researchers found that a protein in the immune system is particularly adaptable to mutations.
… cell in the human body. When cells become infected with a virus, PKR sends signals to alert the immune system to the virus’s presence.  Caption: K3 (purple) binding to PKR … 400 variations of PKR by making specific changes to the gene’s DNA sequence. The researchers inserted the PKR …
Educational Resources
A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genetic material.
… Retrovirus … A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genetic material. … Acquired … (DNA), Genome, Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) … A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genomic material. Upon infection … which infect other cells. Many retroviruses are associated with diseases, including AIDS and some forms of …
News Release
NIH researchers have identified a gene that makes yeast resistant to a lethal toxin.
… Newly discovered gene helps some yeast endure toxins and can help scientists … study, NHGRI researchers analyzed yeast infected with a virus that causes the yeast to secrete a lethal toxin called K28. The virus does not negatively affect the infected yeast. Instead, …
News Release
NIH is launching a program, Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC), to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene.
… a program to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene. The Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells … aims to systematically investigate the function of each gene through multiple phases that will each build upon the …
News Release
Researchers find weaker immune response to viral infections in children with mitochondrial disorders
NIH researchers analyzed the gene activities of immune cells in children with mitochondrial disorders and found that their B cells, which produce antibodies to fight viral infections, are less able to survive cellular stress.
… Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), who analyzed gene activity of immune cells in children with mitochondrial … called single-cell RNA sequencing, which analyzes gene activity in different cell types, researchers studied … genetic condition, immune system, sequencing, children, virus, mitochondrial, B cells, antibodies … NIH researchers …
After major advances in hematology, David Bodine retires with an eye towards mentorship and a garden
David Bodine, founder of the Hematopoiesis Section and chief of the Genetics and Molecular Biology Branch, advanced the fields of gene therapy and hematology in his 38 years at the NIH. Now, he plans to continue his contributions to science as an emeritus and through training the next generation of scientists.
… Developmental biologists have been able to do single-cell gene expression profiling on whole tissues. If we apply those … do you see as the most exciting future opportunities in gene therapy?  Bodine: When we founded the American Society of …
News Release
Researchers identified 13 gene regions that influence cholesterol levels, some of which affected people differently if they are smokers or former smokers.
… Jeannine Mjoseth … Smoking has long been associated with an increase in heart-clogging cholesterol but … researchers and their collaborators identified 13 new gene regions that influence cholesterol levels, some of which … This enabled researchers to find new gene regions associated with lipids that could not be found in previous …
News Release
Researchers at the NHGRI's Undiagnosed Disease Program have developed a new toolset for finding potential disease-causing gene variants in undiagnosed patients.
… powerful new toolset for finding potential disease-causing gene variants in undiagnosed patients. The work is … using a menu of techniques to detect potentially harmful gene variants. Researchers found, on average, 6.6 faulty … then investigated which of these potentially bad gene variants contributed to the patients' undiagnosed …
Fact Sheet
mRNA vaccines inject cells with instructions to generate a protein that is normally found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
… that is normally found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.  The protein that the person … response without a person ever having been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. Later, if the person is exposed to the virus, their immune system will recognize the virus and …
Educational Resources
Epistasis is a circumstance where the expression of one gene is affected by the expression of one or more independently inherited genes.
… … Epistasis is a circumstance where the expression of one gene is affected by the expression of one or more independently inherited genes. … Gene Expression, Gene Variation, DNA, Genes … Epistasis is a circumstance …