Search Results

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Jie Zhou is a data manager and SAS programmer at NHGRI's Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… CA, Adeyemo AA, Rotimi CN. Relationships among obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance in African Americans and …
… tissue regeneration and wound healing by regulating inflammation and cell proliferation Document 50 To receive …
Diana Bianchi is an adjunct investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… diagnosed with trisomy 21 will reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, promote the production of new fetal nerve …
Clinical Research
A study where both genotypic (individual genetics) and phenotypic (individual disease characteristics) patient data would be analyzed using advanced data-analytics programs to derive meaningful associations for the development of prevention, management and treatment strategies.
… Your blood sample can also provide information about inflammation by measuring the level of inflammatory cytokines …
Clinical Research
FAQs for participants in the Autoinflammatory Diseases Study.
… Diary of fevers and other clinical features of inflammation Pediatrics Quality of Life Survey for parents of …
… Lymphocyte Cell Biology Section Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch National Institute of Arthritis and …
Research at NHGRI
A list of publications led by or in collaboration with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… Borecki IB. Pleiotropic genes for metabolic syndrome and inflammation.  Mol Genet Metab  112:317-338. 2014. [ PubMed ] … Adeyemo AA ,  Rotimi CN . Relationships among obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance in African Americans and …
… hallmarks by amelioration of oxidative stress -induced inflammation’, at National Research Fund Board M eeting, …
… and Genomics (SGG), of the Allergy, Immunology and Inflammation Assembly of the American Thoracic Society has …