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Educational Resources
A tumor suppressor gene directs the production of a protein that is part of the system that regulates cell division.
Educational Resources
Mitosis is a cellular process that replicates chromosomes and produces two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division.
… by equal division of the cell’s content into two daughter cells that have identical genomes. … Mitosis is a cellular …
Educational Resources
Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes inside a cell through which proteins and other molecules move.
Fact Sheet
Your mental and physical health are deeply connected. Mental health is important for your health and quality of life. 
Educational Resources
Hemophilia is an inherited disease, most commonly affecting males, that is characterized by a deficiency in blood clotting.
… affecting males, that is characterized by a deficiency in blood clotting. … Hemophilia, Blood Clotting, X Chromosome, Gene, Mutation … Hemophilia is … affecting males, that is characterized by a deficiency in blood clotting. The responsible gene is located on the X …
Educational Resources
A germ line is the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that are used by sexually reproducing organisms to pass on genes from generation to generation.
… Germ Line … A germ line is the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that are used by sexually reproducing … Reproduction, Cell Biology … Germ line refers to the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that sexually reproducing organisms … to the next (parents to offspring). Egg and sperm cells are called germ cells, in contrast to the other cells …
Educational Resources
Northern blot is a laboratory technique used to detect a specific RNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample.
… technique used to detect a specific RNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample. … Northern Blot, Laboratory … purified RNA fragments from a biological sample (such as blood or tissue) are separated by using an electric current … technique used to detect a specific RNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample. … Educational Resources …
Educational Resources
Southern blotting is a laboratory technique used to detect a specific DNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample.
… technique used to detect a specific DNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample. … Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), … purified DNA from a biological sample (such as blood or tissue) is digested with a restriction enzyme(s), … technique used to detect a specific DNA sequence in a blood or tissue sample. … Educational Resources …
Research Funding
MorPhiC aims to develop a consistent catalog of molecular and cellular phenotypes for null alleles for every human gene by using in-vitro multicellular systems.
… Expired Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC) Phase I: Data Analysis and Validation Centers … November 2, 2022 Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC) Phase 1: Data Production Research and … November 2, 2021 Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC) Phase 1: Data Analysis and Validation Centers …
Fact Sheets
A biological pathway is a series of actions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or a change in the cell.
… work together at many different levels - from organs to cells to genes. From both inside and outside the body, cells … substances, such as hormones, that travel through the blood to distant target cells. These biological pathways … a drug that was specifically designed to treat a blood cancer called chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). CML …