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News Release
NHGRI researchers and colleagues are calling for health disparities research that focuses on the microbiome.
… Mjoseth … Researchers at NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and their colleagues* are calling … on us -- are both influenced by people's environments and social interactions. As a result, the microbiome and health … shedding light on how a person's microbiome interacts with social and environmental factors," said Vence L. Bonham, Jr., …
The Genomics Landscape
In the November 2018 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green highlights the 25th anniversary of NHGRI's Intramural Research Program.
… of genomics.   …   On October 1, the NHGRI Intramural Research Program (IRP) celebrated its silver anniversary. Established … to serve as the focal point for genetics and genomics research at NIH and worldwide. It is dedicated to utilizing …
Research Funding
The Genome Technology Program is refining current technologies to increase efficiency and decrease cost while maintaining or improving data quality.
… The Genome Technology (GTP) program at NHGRI supports research to innovate and develop … multidisciplinary programs that closely integrate research projects in academic and industrial laboratories. … …
Research Funding
The Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP) maintains and updates the human genome reference and provides it to the scientific community.
… 1, 2018, NHGRI convened a web meeting of over 65 basic research, clinical, and bioinformatic scientists to discuss … Sequencing Technology Development FOAs … NHGRI Meeting on: Ethical Issues Associated with the Creation and Use of … … Funding Opportunities … Events … Explore this Page … Social Media … Contact Staff … Program Directors … Scientific …
The Genomics Landscape
In the April 2021 issue of the Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D. talks about the NIH UNITE program's goal to end structural racism in biomedical research.
… highlighting progress in areas that influence the genomics research enterprise — from efforts to end structural racism … and disease — routinely considering the importance of social and environmental factors that influence human health … and data science. To lead this effort, NHGRI extramural program director Valentina Di Francesco will serve as a …
The Board of Scientific Counselors evaluates the NHGRI intramural research programs and provides periodic technical and scientific peer review.
… Counselors previews and evaluates the intramural research programs of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and provides periodic technical … Genomics Research Funding, NIH Intramural Research Program … The Board of Scientific Counselors evaluates the …
Research Funding
The N​on-Coding Variants Program explores which variants in a region associated with a disease or trait cause the higher risk for the disease or trait
… when and where proteins are made. The Non-Coding Variants Program (NoVa) supports the development of approaches to … R01 HG008150 Bing Ren Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California, San Diego Non-coding … or trait cause the higher risk for the disease or trait … Research Funding …
Frequently asked questions from the May 23, 2023 informational webinar, ELSI Research and the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy.
… However, NHGRI acknowledges that there may be technical, legal, informed consent or ethical factors that necessitate  limited sharing or … and Sharing Scientific Data Does the DMS Policy apply to social and behavioral scientific research? Can qualitative …
Research Funding
A list of funding opportunities in genomics research provided by NHGRI and the National Institutes of Health.
… Partnerships and Broadening Perspectives to Advance Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (BBAER) Program (UM1), …
Professional Development Programs
JHU/NIH GCTP Executive Committee is composed of genetic counselors, social scientists and medical geneticists. Their varied backgrounds are an asset to the Program and to students as they develop their thesis.
… NIH Distinguished Investigator Center for Precision Health Research Joann Bodurtha, M.D., M.P.H. Institute of Genetic … Sc.M., CGC Associate Director, Genetic Counseling Training Program National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH Lori … Executive Committee is composed of genetic counselors, social scientists and medical geneticists. Their varied …