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News Release
NHGRI researchers have produced the first end-to-end DNA sequence of a human chromosome. The results show that generating a precise, base-by-base sequence of a human chromosome is now possible, and will enable researchers to produce a complete sequence of the human genome.
… in genomics research. … Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National … incredibly long, consisting of about 6 billion bases, DNA sequencing machines cannot read all the bases at once. … Phillippy and his team used their newly developed computer program to assemble the many segments of generated sequences. …
News Release
New grants totaling approximately $29.5 million will enable scientists to generate and maintain the most comprehensive reference sequence of the human genome.
… the most comprehensive reference sequence of the human genome. The awards, made over five years pending the … The funds are necessary for making advances in DNA sequencing technology and computational methods possible. As … fund two centers as a part of a new Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP). “It has grown more and more important to have …
Dr. Lisa Helbling Chadwick is a program director in Division of Extramural Research at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… Dr. Lisa Chadwick joined the National Human Genome Research Institute’s Extramural Research Program as a program director in 2018. Dr. Chadwick oversees … genetic disorders where strategies such as whole exome sequencing were not successful.    Prior to joining NHGRI, …
News Release
NHGRI awards $6.7 million in new research grants to develop DNA sequencing technologies that are more sensitive, faster, cheaper and more accurate.
… is surely not alone in his astonishment. The field of DNA sequencing is full of ideas that are just crazy enough to … device that harnesses electric current to decipher the genome. "Parts of the genome remain hidden, or are extremely … that began in 2004 through the Genome Technology Program. "Direct RNA sequencing is one of the particularly …
Kris Wetterstrand is the program operations lead in the NIH Division of Extramural Operatons.
… Kris Wetterstrand is the Program Operations Lead in the NHGRI Division of Extramural … of DNA production and cost data from the NHGRI Large-Scale Sequencing Program. Ms. Wetterstrand has over ten years … Large-scale Sequencing Program, which managed the Human Genome Project, the ENCODE Project, an effort to identify …
Talking Glossary
Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule.
… Nanopore DNA Sequencing … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the … nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule. … Nanopore DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the …
The Genomics Landscape
In the June 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details NHGRI's new Diversity in Genomics Workforce Initiative.
… source of information.   The NHGRI History of Genomics Program continues to showcase oral history interviews with … up to the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project in October 2020. I encourage you to check out … the Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science, genome-sequencing centers, and model organism databases. Since its …
Research Funding
Frequently asked questions about the Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented Undergraduates into the Genomic Field to Promote Diversity (GREAT) Program RFA.
… funding opportunity announcement (FOA): RFA-HG-21-033 : Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented … Diversity (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). … Can I have a program focused solely on the Ethical, Legal and Social … GREAT Program FAQ … Frequently asked questions about the Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented …
News Release
The goat has contributed its DNA to a new method for high-quality, low-cost genome reconstruction, one that will be useful for reading human and other genomes.
… that presents a new method for high-quality, low-cost genome reconstruction. In addition to the goat genome, this technique will be useful for accurately reading … researchers used a variety of methods, including PacBio sequencing , which was released in 2011. Dr. Phillippy and …
News Release
NHGRI has awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) a five-year, $7.1 million contract to support a new Genomics and Public Service Fellowship Program, which will provide early-stage professionals with experience in a range of genomics careers.
… Program to support emerging genomics leaders in policy, education, communications and scientific program management. … The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National …