Search Results

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Dr. Pamela Schwartzberg is a adjunct investigator in NHGRI's Genetic Disease Research Branch.
… SLAM family members are required for proper T:B cell interactions. Therefore, in the absence of SAP, T cells … by demonstrating that they arise from altered T:B cell interactions in the absence of SAP, suggesting potential … therapeutic intervention via inhibition of SLAM family interactions.   Studies of CD8+ T cell function have now been …
Dr. William A. Gahl is a senior investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch and the director of the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program.
… for nephropathic cystinosis, bringing cysteamine to new drug approval by the Food and Drug Administration. His group … aciduria type III, HPS-2, HPS-3 and HPS-9. The gene responsible for HPS-9, PLDN encodes pallidin, a member … which is one of the proteins responsible for membrane interactions that form new vesicles out of existing membrane …
Dr. Carsten Bonnemann is an adjunct investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… which his research team recently identified the causative gene. In its basic research, Dr. Bönnemann's laboratory team explores the role of interactions between muscle and its extracellular matrix in … identification of the LIM domain protein FHL1 as the gene-product mutated in reducing body myopathy. J Clin Invest …
Research at NHGRI
The Office of the Scientific Director provides leadership and managerial oversight for all research and activities in NHGRI's Division of Intramural Research.
… Finally, OSD promotes activities intended to increase interactions among its scientific staff, through seminar …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics helps us understand evolution and protect our biological ecosystems.
… studies are allowing us to appreciate the complex interactions of our world as never before. … Think you know …
Research Funding
The primary mission of the Alliance of Genome Resources (the Alliance) is to develop and maintain sustainable genome information resources that facilitate the use of diverse model organisms in understanding the genetic and genomic basis of human biology, health and disease. This understanding is fundamental for advancing genome biology research and for translating human genome data into clinical utility.
… (Alliance), Model Organism Databases (MODs), and the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium is to develop and maintain … into clinical utility. … The Model Organism Databases and Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium resources serve as well-curated … gene expression, and both protein–protein and genetic interactions. Given the significant use of these resources, …
A list of high quality educational activities to engage students on DNA Day.
… a playful animation about the genome and environment.  The Gene: An Intimate History from PBS, Ken Burns in the …
Research Funding
GS-IT provides sequence analysis tools and software to scientists who rely on genomics in their research.
The Genomics Landscape
In the June 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details the legacy of the Human Microbiome Project as it reaches completion.
… Expands the Toolbox for Studying Host and Microbiome Interactions Fundamental Knowledge of Microbes Shedding New …
Future Webinar Series
… forces that have shaped the number, frequency, and interactions of alleles influencing traits, and to identify …