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81 - 90 of 1009
Research Funding
The developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression initiative's goal is to catalog and analyze transcriptional profiles from a wide variety of tissues from the pediatric period, including neonates through adolescents, in a post-mortem setting.
News Release
Researchers are trying to understand a process whose rules are constantly being written and rewritten by cancer's rogue cells: who will more likely relapse.
… likely to relapse, researchers are trying to understand a process whose rules are constantly being written and … in this study each saw their cancer relapse after an initial AML diagnosis and treatment. To study what may have … cell, and the other half showing evidence that some of the initial leukemia cells had evaded treatment. Gaining better …
Strategic Plan
View a timeline of the latest news and activities related to NHGRI's 2020 strategic planning process, including upcoming events taking place near you.
… and activities from the Genomics2020 strategic planning process. The calendar entries below include event summaries. … and activities related to NHGRI's 2020 strategic planning process, including upcoming events taking place near you. … … and activities related to NHGRI's 2020 strategic planning process, including upcoming events taking place near you. … …
Talking Glossary
Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in different combinations, leading to different, but related, mRNA transcripts.
… Alternative Splicing … Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in … mRNA transcripts. … Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in … from a single gene. … Alternative splicing is a cellular process in which exons from the same gene are joined in …
Leadership Initiatives
The 2021 NHGRI Action Agenda for a diverse genomics workforce is an ambitious set of goals and objectives to enhance the representation individuals from diverse backgrounds including those from underrepresented groups in the genomics workforce. The Action Agenda: Progress Report and Implementation Plan details the programs and projects that have been enacted since its release.
Leadership Initiatives
NHGRI articulates goals and objectives to increase the number of individuals from diverse backgrounds in genomics.
Leadership Initiatives
The Genomics and Health Disparities Interest Group provides a forum to connect individuals from different scientific disciplines across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and researchers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area engaged in genomics and health disparities research, as well as provide opportunities for professional development, networking and community engagement. 
Leadership Initiatives
The History of Genomics Program collects and organizes historic materials related to the field of genomics and NHGRI as an organization.
News Release
Three research teams funded by NIH gather data at the most basic molecular levels about the biological processes that make up the human microbiome.
News Release
American Indians and Alaska Natives IRB training programs at NIH ensure the welfare of people participating in federally regulated research.
… were among the unexpected outcomes of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) training program for American Indians and … experiences. They also observed meetings of IRBs that review intramural research conducted at NIH, attended the NIH … at NIH and working through the Common Rule comment process drove home the fact that people like me -- Native …